The Weather Channel
Enthusiast - Level 2

I hate come customers did not have a choice or a vote to keep The Weather Channel???? AccuWeather stinks, there are no REAL stories nor do the show any weather people out in the field......this is the worst, I watch the weather channel everyday. I might just think about changing my service to someone who has The Weather Channel!!! I hate this.....ugh !

1,977 Replies

Dropping the Weather Channel was a huge gaffe on Verizon's part.  Many thousands of us use it regularly, particularly in times of urgent need.  Who do we complain to?  We need to know.  


I could care less about the weather channel. Weatherscan gave us what we need our local weather, Please bring it back.


Weatherscan was great local weather whenever you need it. No commercials no TV shows.A great low cost alternative to what we have now. Accuweather is poor and I cant get the widget to do anything ... yet.


The Weather Channel USED to be a useful station -- 15 years ago when it forecast the weather.

WeatherScan is not local weather -- it is regional at best.  And its forecasts at the top and bottom of its screen were never synchronized.  Waiting 30 seconds for a weather widget to load was no replacement.

The Weather Channel's obsession with garbage reality TV was ridiculous -- Ice Road Truckers?  Well, you see, there was weather that caused the ice....When Weather Changed History?   Get real, this was a once-rational channel that thinks it can turn into MTV.

And, no,  Naming every storm that forms is NOT a good idea.

TWC think they are the only people to bring anyone weather in the world.  WRONG.  It all comes from NOAA anyways. 

I'll take Accu-Weather.  TWC can study the effect of the European model in their spare time.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Bring back 21st Century weather coverage delivered by TWC.  AccuWeather coverage is useless. 


Give us the Weather Channel back!  With no warning Verizon pulled the plug on the Weather Channel!  No wonder cable companies are losing market share.  Bundle a bunch of junk together that we don't want and charge an arm and a leg for this junk.  Without any explanation, drop the Weather Channel, one service that actlually is useful and valuable to customers.  Give us the Weather Channel back!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Weather Bug is awful. It shows every area but mine. Like everyone else, we will go back to Comcast or someone else. Please get The Weather Channel back. We just want the channel with local weather.

Not applicable

I enjoy Accuweather but the video keeps dropping out.  Can someone put more quality control/assurance effort into the feed?

Enthusiast - Level 1

TWC is the best! Bring it back please!  TWC has so much more to offer than a brief weather report.  Accuweather is totally lame! Their meterologists are annoying to watch and have fake just of out broadcast school inflections. TWC has personable and knowledgeable staff and great reporting and stories.  I'll wait to see my local network weather report or go online before I'll watch accuweather.  Not happy with Verizon for dropping TWC!


Watching AccuWeather is like watching paint drying.  Bring Back Weather Channel.... I;m not a satisfied customer.  We the customer should have a vote on what WE want.

Contributor - Level 1

Losing the Weather Channel really does suck. I have been a FIOS subscriber for some seven years, and just renewed my two year contract. Too bad...had I known this, I would have switched over to Optimum, much as I dislike some of their features and practices. The Weather Channel has been an important part of our news lives for years - no other channel comes close to matching them in terms of the depth of coverage, or the variety of programs. The only thing they could have done better would have been to provide regional weather on the i for the HD channel, as they did for the SD channel. However, i see no evidence that Accuweather comes anywhere near close to them in either programing, or coverage if major weather related events. I don't want to hear about the cost - I would gladly waive a whole bunch of other channels to get this back.

Enthusiast - Level 1


My bill is $200 a month and you need to save money.

I WANT THE WEATHER CHANNEL BACK; this was a VERY poor decision on your programming part.  Whoever thought of this SHOULD BE FIRED TODAY.

What happened to customer service and providing the best for your customer?  AccuWeather, GIVE ME A BREAK.  I have seen things on YouTube better than that channel.  WHAT A JOKE.


Enthusiast - Level 1

If Verison wants to control costs for subscribes they would get rid of half the junk they carry as programing, which few if any people watch.  They could then affort to restore the Weather Channel and stop antagonizing their customers. 

Contributor - Level 1

CNN, the largest in the "news" business?

Enthusiast - Level 3

The Weather Channel needs to be returned to the channel lineup on FIOS.  TWC provides a more professional presentation of the weather than anyone else.  Get this done Verizon!

Enthusiast - Level 1
Bring back the Weather Channel. It is the most watched channel in our home. We will be switching service to get the Weather Channel.
Enthusiast - Level 1

I want the Weather Channel back also.  I recently upgraded my TV channels but I am willing to pay the termination fee and bring Comacat in over this.  Verizon channel selection has been getting more restrictive (ie expensive) over the last dozen years and now dropping the weather channel with  no warning is last straw.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Watched the Accu Weather Channel for the first time today. I am not at all impressed with the weather reporting or local condition feeds. The focus is heavily on the New England area, with parts of the Mid-Atlantic and Los Angeles. After 20 minutes, I never saw today's weather in Atlanta where our daughter lives and where we often travel. I would like to know the weather across the country including the Midwest and Mountain areas. You have to remember we are a mobile society. We count on this information when we travel. Displaying weather information for Freehold, NJ, but not Atlanta, Minneapolis or other big cities makes no sense to me. The Weather Channel's reporting on weather is hands down superior. When I want to get good weather reporting, that is where I turn. On the other hand, I do not like all the reality/documentary shows that the Weather Channel airs during prime time. I do not watch those at all no matter how devastating the disaster. Please give us good weather programming without all the extraneous diversions. Trading one problem for another is not a good solution and not customer driven. As a 5-year Verizon customer and long time Weather Channel viewer, I am disappointed a better solution could not have been worked out.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Ok, ok, I get it. FIOS no longer wants to pay for the Weather Channel and has substituted what is supposed to be a better weather forecast provider, Accuweather, plus we leave behind all the global warming alarmists on the WC.  I can accept that. But what I can't accept is that the Accuweather TV channel only shows weather maps and radar for the NORTHEAST of the USA!  How does that help me down here in Tampa, FL?  What FIOS only thinks customers want NYC, DC, Boston, etc., weather forecasts?  What's up with that?  At least WC would scan the entire country at least once per hour!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Enough is enough is enough...

Entering year 5 with FIOS, and I have had enough!

The last 3 months have been a nightmare with various software issues and many others too numerous to mention.

AND NOW.... No Weather Channel????


Calling Comcast, and starting over.

I'm done, finished, and disgusted with it all.

Corporate greed at work.  No sympahy here, as my Bill just keeps going up, as I reduce services....... 😞 😞

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am very disappointed in Verizon's decision to remove The Weather Channel and replace it with Accuweather.  I have browsed both sites over the last few years, and The Weather Channel has been more up to date. For example, AccuWeather said we were only going to get 2" of snow during one storm - we got a foot and AccuWeather never even updated its amount totals.  I am very frustrated with the channels that have been removed over the past 6 months to a year; and this is leading me to consider leaving Verizon.  My bill doesn't go down because they keep removing channels, so where is all of that savings going?

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