The Weather Channel
Enthusiast - Level 2

I hate come customers did not have a choice or a vote to keep The Weather Channel???? AccuWeather stinks, there are no REAL stories nor do the show any weather people out in the field......this is the worst, I watch the weather channel everyday. I might just think about changing my service to someone who has The Weather Channel!!! I hate this.....ugh !

1,977 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I hate the new channel. I hear about every part of the country except where I live. I definitley will be making a change back to Comcast

@MrBoz wrote:

I, too, am very dissatisfied with the change in weather stations. I found the previous Weather Channel station to be much more informative and reliable, especially with the "Local Weather on the 8's" feature which allowed me to get a quick, informative update on today's weather and the 5 day outlook. I find the new AccuWeather station to be much less informative.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Yes I agree with everyone - the new 'accuweather' is terrible.  I too hate it.  It is useless - the information they give is for everywhere but where I live.  

When I switched to fios from cable I was assured I would receive ALL channels I always had on cable.  The Weather Channel is one of them and I want it back.  You can keep your inferior accuweather channel!  I want to be able to wake up with Sam Champion's AMHQ, I want the local on the 8's and I want to be able to gain some education from their experts.

The Weather Channel offers much more than just what's happening outside at the moment.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am very upset that Verizion has chosen to stop pursuing negotiations for renewal of The Weather Channel.

Sorry Verizon, but AccuWeather and your WeatherBug widget are not sutiable replacement.

It is likely that we will more closely examine our options when our contract is up for renewal.  You've taken a fan of your services and created a fence-sitter (at best) - probably not good for your NPS, Verizon ...

What's the cost of recruiting a dissatisfied customer versus retention of an existing happy customer?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Especially customers that spend around $500 a month between Verizon and Verizon Wireless!

Bring the Weather Channel back!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Everyone is missing one major point. THE WEATHER CHANNEL SAVES LIVES. During Huricane Sandy's visit to the New York Region I had TWC on at least 1 TV 24/7. I know of several families that left their homes during the storm because reports from TWC about rising water live. This channel should be classified as a public resource channel and as such untouchable as a must carry station.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon, this is not an option. I have already contacted via live chat & will lodge my complaint here also, although I doubt anyone will read it. #BringBackTWC The lame accuweather crap that you put up does NOT compare. The Weather Channel has a high level of accuracy in comparison to others & is my go to. Growing up in Northern NJ, severe weather is common & we rely on TWC daily. You are losing customers left & right. 

While this wasn't mentioned in your email, I actually like the several reality shows that TWC runs. Weather is not always severe. So during those off times, it's nice to see something else. 

Enthusiast - Level 1
My family is extremely upset re the cancellation of the Weather Channel. Please restore this channel, as I based my choice of provider and the package purchased on the fact that Weather Channel was a part of the programming. Your unilateral decision to cancel this program is totally unacceptable. My Contract expires in August and without the Weather Channel I cannot guarantee recommitting.

I totally agree that droping The Weather Channel (TWC) is unacceptable.  For my family, the ability to be able to watch TWC for both weather and the weather adventure shows such as "Highway Thru Hell" are important.  I'd rather see Verizon drop many of the superfluous sports channels before dropping TWC.Cat Frustrated

Enthusiast - Level 2

If you go to the weather channel website and send them a message, you'll get a reply telling you how to contact verizon to reply.  Also, I simply called Verizon directly, asked for the billing dept., and got a sales person who took all my complaints down.  she was very friendly...she probably likes Jim Cantore too!!!!  the more people who complain the better chance we get of getting the weather channel back.


I agree.  Please bring back the Weather Channel!  Verizon stated that people can easily get weather data online. Well I can also get most of the programming I watch online too.  I choose to get my enternatiniment and information via Verizon but if they will drop channels because the competetition is getting too stiff then perhaps I should look in to other solutions as well.


While I like many FIOS features, I am very disappointed in loss of the Weather Channel, and may have to drop FIOS. AccuWeather is OK but there is no Local on the 8's equivalent for detailed local forecast, which is what I value the most. The FIOS Widget for local weather is incomplete in regard to a detailed forecast. Once again, VERY DISAPPOINTED!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have to agree, while there were some things I didn't like about the Weather Channel it was a big reason I watched TV.  Am actively looking at Comcast and Direct TV

to say everyone is getting their weather from the internet is bunk

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have been a customer for 20 years.

I work outside, and rely on the information TWC provides.

I find it disrespectful, for all the money I pay Your company,

that You should willy nilly cancel this Channel.

I also enjoy some of the other programs on TWC.

Your choice of "Accu-weather" is a poor one.

the Production values are High school grade, at best.

Let Me remind Verizon....You work for Myself and the rest of Your


Do what's necessary to put TWC back on Your service...

Enthusiast - Level 1

The weather channel is much needed in areas with severe and quickly changing weather, this new channel is a joke. BRING BACK THE WEATHER CHANNEL!  For those who think it is lame do not have to watch it. For many of us it is about being safe....

Enthusiast - Level 1

Just renewed our contract .  I giveth and Verizon taketh away.  I hate accuweather and loved weather scan.  How can they take Weather scan away just as we are entering Tornado weather?  Really?  I look at wearther scan several times a day to check the temps, forecast and where if any, storms are headed.  TWC was great  too. It's time to find a new service..the price is already too expensive.

Enthusiast - Level 2
Roger that!
Enthusiast - Level 2

I just renewed too. No happy.

Enthusiast - Level 1

We had Direct TV and dropped them when they pulled this crap with the Weather Channel so if Verizon doesn't get it back we will look else where when our contract is up. So fed up with them thinking everyone has smartphones etc. to get the weather and yes accu weather sucks big time

Enthusiast - Level 2

When IT gets nasty, as it will with storm season approaching, I count on The Weather Channel to get me the information I need.  I cannot rely on your lame replacements for weather.  I work outdoors and need the accurate information that The Weather Channel provides. 

If you are going to take away critical services, I want a reduction in my rate AND the opportunity to subscribe to The Weather Channel.  There are at least 100 channels on FIOS that I have NEVER WATCHED and are billed for every month.  You removed the one that I watched on a daily basis. 

I want The Weather Channel back NOW.

Forum users... Suggestions on an alternative to FIOS?  Which do you all prefer?  Comcast, Cox, Xfinity?

I plan on switching providers if The Weather Channel is not back on the air in two weeks.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Myself as well!  Two weeks and outta here!  Which service is best to go to?

Enthusiast - Level 3

@gumby7448 wrote:

Myself as well!  Two weeks and outta here!  Which service is best to go to?


They all stink. Nothing will change unless Congress changes the laws, to favor the consumers, and not the companies. We need a USER BILL OF RIGHTS.