Problem with my online order

The absolute worst customer service ever. I should be able to access and open any services and enter devices very smoothly and easily. There was a problem with my online order. When I was attempting to fix it, I’m asked to stay on call for hours of waiting before I get the response of “Sorry sir, we cannot reveal any information due to customer privacy.” There is no way for me to figure out what is wrong and why it’s happening. I even visited a corporate Verizon store and they did the absolute same thing that I did at home for multiple days. What is the point of going to get help, when we come back with the same problem again and again. 

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I just spent my whole day talking to about 20 agents. The last one lied to me about a credit on my account after I paid. Yesterday I got a great deal because I am a 12+ year valued customer. They waived the $35 fee, gave me 50% off of my accessories.. Then I checked on status today and the order was canceled without even telling me. Every agent I spoke to today got disconnected as soon as I agreed to the same deal as yesterday. The last one tricked me and said she would give those discounts back on my next bill. That never happened. I have pictures of the chat too. Such a waste of time. I want to go back to 1985 land lines. I am over it.