Worst customer experience ever
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have opened new account with 5 new lines with Verizon at Costco store and my credit line was approved during the process and I have received 5 new phones to my address. However when I tried to activate the device I came to know that the initial application was denied and they requested me to return the devices. When I ask for return label they couldnโ€™t able to generate and canโ€™t find an account on my name. I have been advised to visit store and return them however store people hesitate to take these devices since they are unable to find my account using mobile number I have been assigned or OrderID. I have spoken with 20 different call center agents and none of them helpful. I had a very terrible experience. I canโ€™t keep these devices since it will impact my credit score nor return these since I donโ€™t have return labels for these. I am on helpless situation. I never felt worst customer experience ever. 2 weekends visiting stores and 20 hours of calls on multiple agents not able to help me.

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