20 dollars for a mobile that was NEVER disconnected

We had a bargain and I kept up my end every step of the way - but I will not be penalized by money-grubbing voracious Verizon for something that NEVER OCCURRED - and by the way, do I really want to do business with a company that notified me on the afternoon of December 24, 2020, to threaten to CUT my service at midnight?? 

NO! So think of it as VIRTUAL $20 and yours truly - a customer here since 2014 - mobile, Fios - wayyyyy over-priced as well. 

I won't blink - neither will you - so speaking of Christmas Eve, let's do that fun thing folks do in Macy's window as Christmas Eve celebrations begin - disgusting, arrogant, rapacious and I'm  DUN with the lot of you wolves -  period, end of the story - FULL STOP! 

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

@CTBOUND2014, We certainly understand the frustration with bill concerns and will be able to help provide support. Sending you a Private Note.
