Enthusiast - Level 1

I just wrote everything out only to have it deleted by this app. Figures though.  I have account issues.  My phone order was returned by UPS cause they are lazy and didn't come to my actual door and I managed to get it back to you guys, you have  confirmed it was recieved and I have documentation of all this since you guys send me the emails, I have been refunded but when I go to reorder after waIting forever through this ridiculous process  and being lied to over and over by your agents ,etc. I cannot reorder because my online account doesn't reflect as being cancelled. In fact it says I'm still waiting on my phone to be delivered which is funny since you guys yourself have told me that you got the phone back the orders cancelled and refunded. I'm also getting emails asking me why I haven't activated my phone yet and if I need help ? When I chat with you guys you can see it's been cancelled etc .  What how is your system reflects three different statuses for the same line? Makes no sense and all your agents keep lying and promising me it will be fixed in a couple more days and it never is. Never. I have a bill due in a few days for a phone I don't have by you guys have it and service I cant and haven't used.  This cause me to lose a new  job and I'm in a bad spot  with no phone for over a month  now. This is crazy and ridiculous and I know I'm not the only one. Help me please.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep


I'm sorry to hear you are having activation issues. We want you to be able to start service with us. We would love to help. Please get started with our Sales team at 800-256-4646-Joe