Door to door sales
Enthusiast - Level 1

Please, please stop these people from coming to our community, knocking on our doors.  And if you don't answer coming back again.


I am so sick of it, abd it needs to stop.   We have no soliciting signs posted, and yet they keep coming.  The next time, the Police will be called.


Over it.

3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I had a similar experience. My building is secure, so you cannot get in unless you sneak in - but a man with what appears to be pepper spray hanging out of his pocket knocked on all the apartments yesterday, saying he was from Verizon. As far as I know, everyone rejected talking with him. We did not hear him.

My neighbor alerted me to it when we crossed paths as we were pulling out of the garage and she was pulling in, and while we were in the driveway the same guy poked his head around the corner as if he was trying to sneak back into the garage, backpack in hand. 

When he realized we were hanging out in our cars blocking the garage and watching him, he walked over to a black Mazda (I have the plate if anyone is in Toluca Lake NoHo area and has this experience) and got into the passengers side and the driver drove them away, Didn't get a good look at the driver.

After my neighbor alerted us to the issue and showed us her ring video, I went home and checked our ring video and sure enough, he came to our place too, There is no reason for him to be prowling around the next day, and he was not dressed in a button down and lanyard this evening. It definitely felt like the building was being cased.

if this is a legitimate Verizon sale tactic, I would NEVER go with them for any service. If this is a third party vendor tactic like  I’m seeing all over the web, I would still never go with Verizon because they are not conscientious with their business partners.

in todays climate, it is very frightening go have a random person show up at your door. Verizon, do better!


I’m so tired of the door-to-door sales. They just came to my house at 7:30PM, our porch lights are off, we have a no soliciting sign… what else do we need to do?! We are NOT switching, the constant annoyance from your sales, the price and the internet speeds in this area are all worse than who we have now.  

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate you taking the time to lift this feedback, and we will make sure we address your concerns accordingly. I am sending you a private message.
