Free LTE extender question

So I just got off the phone with Verizon after about a 40 minute call they took notes, did this and that and they looked at the coverage map and said there was 4G LTE coverage but since my issue is mainly indoors, they are considering a free extender for indoor use and they said they’re going to give me a call back tomorrow around noon. Is that a good sign that they will they will probably send one for free considering they want to call back and in the way the person worded it and told me made it sound like there is a pretty good possibility of them sending one for free. And I don’t know if this matters to Verizon much, but I called with the issue regarding a business account because the Verizon line at my house is a business. So maybe that would elevate the priority and make it more likely they give one.

1 Reply

Would it help my case if when they call me back or I call them back I mention ive tried trouble shooting tips, and make sure im talking with tier 2 support and open a ticket if needed?