I have not received my return box for 5g internet
Enthusiast - Level 1

I initiated the return process little over a week and a half ago and I am waiting for the return box. The box is taking too long and I would like to request a shipping label so I can return it myself but the phone number I called did not work. There appears to be no other way of contacting a person about this so I am writing this discussion to get help.

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

jkwagner24, we're sorry about the issues with the return lable getting sent to you. We never want you to have problems with your returns, and we've got a great alternative. For our 5G Home devices, you can simply take them to a UPS store near you and they'll use the serial number printed on that 5G Home device to ship it back to us. You'll also get a receipt for your records. You can find more info here: https://www.verizon.com/support/wireless-home-equipment-return-faqs/


Champion - Level 1

This must be a new thing, being able to take the 5G internet cubes to a UPS store and they'll figure out the shipping.  If so, thanks, Verizon, for giving us a new way to return equipment. ๐Ÿ™‚

@jkwagner24, have you checked your My Verizon account to see if you can print a return label yourself?  That seems the fastest way to get one.  You can use any box which fits the equipment, just make sure things inside are padded sufficiently so they don't get damaged in shipment.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.