Its been 11 months, multiple talks with live support and we still haven't gotten out bill credit or our phone back.
Enthusiast - Level 1

My wife and I have been having this on going issue with Verizon since April of 2023.

We opened a 2 phone business account  and were told that the 2nd phone would have a bill credit if we sent in our old phone. We were told it would take a few months for the bill credit to kick in (this was April).

We contacted live support for the first time during the summer since we never saw a bill credit. The said they would take care of of it, but the next bill was the same.

We contacted them again in October, live support said they would take care of it but the next bill was the same...

We contacted live support again and this time they back credited us for a few months a promised that in December the bill would have the correct bill credit. December came and it still didn't have the bill credit.

Same story in January 2024

We called  Live support again in February 2024 and this time they said that on the next bill they would charge us an extra $100 and the phone would be paid off. The bill just showed up and its the same as before... No Bill credit and no $100 payout.

So this is my last ditch effort until we have to switch phone carriers for good. It's been a giant pain calling every month and Verizon not holding up their end of the deal. It feels like our old phone was stolen. 

We're extremely frustrated.

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5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello, ShawnFrancis. My apologies to hear of this experience as this has been going on far too long. Help is here. Please tell me more about the promotion bill credit in question. Was there a trade-in? 


Enthusiast - Level 1

Yes it was a trade in for our buisness account. We have photos of the packaging along with the tracking.

During our last call we asked to be given a case number so we didn't have to go through the same process. 

Case number: ****

Customer Service Rep

This information helps greatly, ShawnFrancis, regrettably we do not have access to Business Accounts through this channel. You will need to contact them through I'm so sorry there isn't more we can do for you on this platform. 



I traded in my old phone and ported my number which they said would give me the phone for free. Looked up my old phone and it qualified. It's been sent in but instead of my bill going down its doubled!!! How does this make any sense. I look on my bill what's sips to be a $90 dollar plan I'm getting charged for a number activated the day after I activated my line but never spoke to anyone or received this other sim. I just need a phone for 1 person how is my bill 300 for just service cause both devices were free cause of a promo you guys offered me

Customer Service Rep

Hello, Joho2777, we know it's important that you receive your promotion and we can review your bill charges as well. So we can best assist, we will be reaching out via Private Message.
