Phone financed on an account, by someone who was not an account manager, who was only allowed to use the line, posing as the account owner.

So, here’s a few facts about the situation we are currently going through with my boyfriends son from a previous relationship. He is a grown man, 23 years old. My boyfriend has a verizon account, with two lines. One of the lines was being used by his 23 year old son. His 23 year old son would just send his dad the money for the line he was using each month, and he was never made an account manager, nor was he authorized in any way shape or form. Him and his son had a recent unfortunate falling out, due to his sons erratic behaviors. So they are not on speaking terms, and it’s also important to mention that they share the same first and last name, only differentiated by their middle name.


After the falling out, it’s safe to say the son was expecting his father to shut down the line he was using, as it was apparent they were going to go their own separate ways. One day, we go to pick up our mail at the usps, and we were sent in a bubble mailer, with no return address, his sons brand new iphone 15. This struck me as odd, because his son to our understanding had purchased the new iphone 15 in Sept of  last year (2023). We were a bit caught off guard by him sending it to us, because why on earth would he send us his iphone that he just bought, when we are all at odds. Thinking back to September, and that day in particular, we remember his son saying he was going to the store to buy the new iphone 15, and we even shared a joke about wondering how on earth he could afford that phone, after all-it was an almost 1000 dollar phone. Fast forward, and he has the phone, he had it activated with the line he had always used, on his dad account, and nothing more was thought of it. Until the falling out, when we unexpectedly got the iphone in the mail of course. 


My boyfriend wants to keep the line, and it dawned on me… with all things considered, seeing as how it made no sense why he would send the phone back to us, and with some unfortunate events that point towards other criminal behavior- it dawns on me that he sent it back to us, likely because he financed it, under his fathers name, which was without his permission. And that he sent it back ultimately only because it was never actually his phone- it was in fact my boyfriends phone that was financed, and that it was likely done by his son going into verizon and acting like he was him. After all they do have the same first and last name, so it sounded like the most probable answer. My boyfriend was not aware of this, and we are certain that they have footage that day and they’d be able to see my boyfriend did not in fact come in and sign for that phone, and that it was his son impersonating him. This is obviously a crime. Today, we went to the vzn store, the same where it was bought or signed for by his son, of course in his fathers name, and the guy pretty much just chalked it up to an “oops, oh well, someone didn’t do a thorough enough job, and you’re stuck with it” is basically what he said. How is that something that just goes poof into thin air, like that’s called stealing someone’s identity, that’s a total crime. How can it just be an “ oh well it is what it is “ situation? This makes no sense. Does anyone have any insight and is my boyfriend simply just screwed, I want to be clear- he did not authorize this sort of thing,nor did he give anyone the code, and he did not physically go into the store to authorize this, and his son was not an acct manager. Please help.

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