Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi everyone.

Today I went into my yard to find orange marks all over the 12' x 12' width of my front lawn.  The twin next to me also had a few orange lines, but nowhere near as much as mine.  My entire front, even around a big maple tree, was marked.

A neighbor told me they took ground plate off my property & were splicing a line.  My problems with this are:  1) No  notification or letter sent as is instructed by my boro.  2)  The ground plate was not put back perfectly as it should be, don't need bugs & rodents from beneath. 3) Why was a line being stripped of insulation & stripped/spliced to begin with.  4)  When I called Verizon, they admitted they could not give me an answer since although crew was sent to my property, it wasn't for my property & they can't disclose other potential customers use of my property.  Background:  I was attacked/assaulted by the male living in the other twin.  Less than a week later, they sent Comcast to dig up my front & small backyard with locked fence - no easement anywhere.  I reported to my boro who made them leave & who agreed letter should have been sent stating what they planned on doing, permit should have been gotten, and easement must be provided.  Here less than 5 years.  They did none of the above & I have never let Comcast on my property.  I always thought Fios/Verizon was the more courteous and followed the rules, unlike Verizon.  But today proved otherwise.  I am sadly disappointed in what Fios did today and even more upset after talking to Verzion customer service for 2 hours, that I have to wait 24-48 hours to find out what a crew was doing & did on my property, without my knowledge.  Emergency situations are always an exception.  I get that.  But a planned installation is clearly not an emergency and is known days beforehand.  I fear this was a scheduled installation for the doorknobs next door, when they have a corner property with 3x the land I do.  I am extremely disappointed with the "non-service" provided to me today.  I have a ticket # - woo hoo.

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Moderator Emeritus

Hi ES46,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Messenger inbox for a message from a Verizon support agent. You can find your inbox by clicking on the envelope icon that appears at the top right corner of this page. Response times may vary and may be delayed at this time. Please continue to check your Inbox for a reply from a Verizon agent. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.
