Why is Verizon two authintication still work if disabled
Enthusiast - Level 2

Verizon is insisting on two authentication verify using phone, before you can use website. So , if your phone is having problem or broken you cant even access the website.  How dumb is that.  If you disable it, it still works. If you use your password, it still wants to send verification to unworking phone.  I am so sick of it not being able to go back to normal, that I am going to switch carriers in three days.  I have already looked at mint mobile and see that it would be very cheap and  easy to switch. So, if Verizon , after many complaints and BBB complaint cant stop or fis it , they gonna be losing another customer. If you dont believe  me, watch and see. I am not verifying every time I go to web site. My computer should be a trusted device after first authinticatoin. That is how it use to work, but it dont work no more and Verizon is not fixing....they just shrug shoulders and say they want u safe......Well, come Monday I will either be able to sign in to website using Id and password, or I will be going to mint mobile. 

3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I agree with this…is there a fix for this yet

Customer Service Rep

Oh, no! We are stunned to read that you're still having problems with 2FA. We want to make sure you're able to access your account whenever you need, and we'll do everything we can to help. Have you tried using a different browser or clearing your cookies/cache? Are you using a VPN?


Enthusiast - Level 1
  1. Two-factor authentication is disabled on ALL of the phones on my account.  Please explain WHY all of my phones still get a (authentication) message sent to their phone whenever they try to log-in online?  I get  one whenever i go online to pay the bill.  I get one every time I login online