$30 Service Fee
Enthusiast - Level 1

I was in your store to purchase a new screen protector and was told to now charge a $30 service fee for to put it on.

What is the definition of “service” in Customer SERVICE Representative? You are paying them a salary to serve customers.

I understand that your salary for reps is around $20/hour. If you took just $1 Billion of your $79 Billion in profits in 2023, you could increase their salary by half ($30K/yr).

When is enough profit enough?!?

1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 1


They're even charging You to put on a screen protector You actually BOUGHT on site??

from Verizon??

I figured it was only because I brought my own in the door!

I can do it  myself -- just follow the online videos

but the kids at the store do such a nice job; quick, and competent


Com'on Verizon... seriously??