4G Traffic Congestion MCLB Albany, GA
Enthusiast - Level 2

1. I am an Electronics Technician with over 50 years experience, I had a 2nd Class Radiophone w/ Ship Radar back in the day when they were required. I was top of my class in Navy Avionics "A" and "B" school.


2. I am paying for the highest increment of Unlimited Data and am not getting my monies worth.


3. It's *NOT* my device!


4. Before work I can get regularly over 500KBytes after work on the base begins it drops dramatically sometimes as low as 17KB! When the base closes business the data rate jumps back up.


5. The signal strength is not the whole problem but 1.5 bars is normal with 2.5 being a high rate. (I'm calling that little blip at the bottom a half bar.)

6. We really need relief. We have people who rely on Verizon 4G to maintain their developer systems including Windows updates. This has been an on-going problem that has only gotten worse.

I am willing to work with a system engineer or technician if I can help.

After the last few storms there may be a few vacant lots available to put that promised second tower in.


2 Replies
Customer Service Rep



I'm very sorry to hear you've been having these issues for so long. We want to make sure you have service that meets your needs and that things work as well as they should. We're glad to help figure this out. Which unlimited data plan do you currently have? What are your zip code and the nearest cross streets to it?



Enthusiast - Level 2

The Zip Code for the base is 31704 I believe my plan is Get More Unlimited.

There is a tower with only two tiers on it at the corner of S. Mock Road and Moultrie Rd
31.537892, -84.101292 (For the intersection) Pass it every day. I thought there was more on that tower last year though? It's really hard to find out tower locations if you don't pass them. The zip code for the intersection is 31705. As far as I know this is the only tower serving the area.