Asurion is a scam, their business model is in denying your claim and just sucking up your money, don't support this garbage company.
Enthusiast - Level 1

I got denied insurance claim because I kept on using my phone on home wi-fi network during this COVID-19 home lockdown.

Basically, until you use your phone on verizon network after purchasing the insurance, (for e.g. using your phone on wi-fi network means to them same as not using your phone) Asurion will not cover your phone's damage. 

People coming up with these small print & obscure rules on insurance pamphlets that they have on their website but won't let you know **Explicitly** should seriously reconsider doing some other work rather than ruining it for everyone. 

Especially, Asurion's customer rep who was so happy to prove that on their website's pamphlet page 8 section 2, a, 2, this rule that was written in most vague language with jargons, was evidence that my claim's denial was all my fault.  pathetic.  

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep



I've saddened dot learn of your experience you had with the Asurion representative. I wished I could speak on their policies but they are a separate company from Verizon Wireless and they have their own policies and procedures. 


Can you tell me if you have a working device right now? 


