Enthusiast - Level 1
Anyone know how to do auto-redialing over the Verizon Wireless service, like you would by hitting *66 on a land line?
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4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3
AFAIK there is no analog to the *66 features on landlines just as there is no anonymous call rejection or call trace function.
Enthusiast - Level 3

just keep hitting the send button.  I wish VZW who have some

of the features of the landline. 

Enthusiast - Level 3



To auto-redial the most recent number you've called, all you need to do is hit your send key.  This will bring up your most recent calls (both called and received).  You may then use your arrow keys to select the number you wish to call back, then select send again.

Enthusiast - Level 1

That is called manual redial.    He wants his phone to call a busy number over and over again until he gets through.  I don't think verizon wireless can do it.  Some phones have that options under settings in the phone.