Best way to handle international roaming with unltd data plan? Google voice , Skype

I have incredible and put in the $70 unlimted intl data plan. I'm crunching my brain to come up with the best way to  handle international roaming (mainly in S. Korea and Japan)


Right now I'm in Japan and reception is horrible (understandable due to CDMA only phone) and I don't receive caller ID so I don't know who called. 


I'll be coming here again next month and I'm thinking about getting a Storm 2 or Tour just for the trip as it'd be nice to have full access to S. Korea and japan's networks.


To the point. I have accessibility to 1. any phone , 2 google voice # , and skype (without number) 3. unltd data plan.


What's the best way to send / receive calls while outside US? $2/min roaming charges are pain in the butt and I can afford a nice meal with 2 minutes of usage in Korea. 


thanks in adv




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Skype mobile is not supported internationally, so for calls, you will have to go with the per minute rate