Blocking a certain phone number

a few days ago i went online and blocked a certain number from being able to call or text me. everything went through perfect and said i blocked the number successfully and the number shows up on my blocked list. a few days later my phone went off saying i had a new picture message from him. however my phone would not download the picture. does this feature block picture messaging as well? i know if someone blocks you it will send you a message in reply basically letting you know you have been blocked. being that it sent me something from him will he still get the message?(i want him to get the message so he finally gets the hint that i don't want him in my life). is it normal for picture messages to try and come through but not download if someone is blocked?

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2 Replies
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You shouldn't have been able to get anything from the number you blocked. I would suggest calling customer service and verifying that block is in place. You can call customer service from another phone at 1-800-922-0204.

I do wonder if the person is using a third party website to send you the messages and might be loophole way to get around the block.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


Thank you. That is what I was thinking, that I shouldn't of been able to receive anything if from them if I had them blocked. I have Verizon and he has AT&T so I didn't know if that had anything to do with it. Or if it was still too soon from blocking him and that's why it showed up. I guess I will find out if he does it again. If it does I will call Verizon!