Can't call certain numbers from iPhone 4s a of last night

As of last night I can't call a number that I call daily. I'm receiving calls from others and able to make calls, except to this particular number. I get an error message that says 'welcome to Verizon wireless we're sorry but call can not be completed a dialed, please check the number and try again'. The number is on GCI customer. I tried *228 and it didn't fix the problem. Any suggestions?

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi nola70124 - We want you to always stay connected with the people that matter most to you! Have you tried dialing the number manually instead of from your contacts? Are you using the 10 digit number or putting 1 in front? Have you tried calling that number from another phone? I am eager to get to the bottom to this!

Thank you,

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Enthusiast - Level 2

I am having the same issue except with my Samsung Galaxy S5.  When i dial out i either get a fast busy signal or the 'welcome to Verizon wireless we're sorry but call can not be completed a dialed, please check the number and try again' message.  I can call out on certain numbers but the most important numbers won't connect.  I can send and receive text msg.  I've worked with the Verizon Tech support, Ticket Number (removed).  I've done a factory reset and still have the same issue.

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Edited by:  Verizon Moderator

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for the information RodneyO as it will help with finding a resolution for this issue. When did this issue start to occur with your device? Are the numbers you are trying to call cell phone number or landline numbers? Are these same numbers having problems reaching you as well? We look forward to hearing from you so that we can get to the bottom of this problem for you.

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