Can you select particular spectrums?
Master - Level 3

This is something I've been curious about for a little while now.  Is there a way to check that certain spectra are enabled on your device or to switch the preferred spectrum?  I'm not talking about band selection for either LTE or 5G, but specific frequencies within either LTE or 5G.  An analogy would be like saying LTE is like AM radio and 5G is like FM radio.  You have to not just pick AM or FM on a radio, but need to tune the radio while it's on AM or FM to a specific station to get something besides static.

I've wondered about this since people often change carriers, and every carrier has their own radio spectrum, so maybe that's why some have trouble with service, if their device was optimized for some other "radio station" so to speak?  Or are carrier spectra embedded into the SIM/eSIM already?

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
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