Coverage in East Amherst, NY
Enthusiast - Level 1

The coverage in East Amherst, NY has declined dramatically recently. I cannot call my husband without the call not going through, the call dropping every 30 seconds, or us being 'connected' but not being able to hear the other person. I am paying for a cell phone that I literally cannot use. When is Verizon going to fix this issue? When we went to Verizon, all they said was that the town wouldn't let them put up cell towers. So are we just supposed to be okay with that and not be able to make calls with our cell PHONE? We are going to be leaving Verizon if this issue isn't fixed soon! God forbid there's an emergency-I won't be able to call anyone!

13 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Kmrugala225, we're so sorry to learn of the service issues you're experiencing in East Amherst, NY, and definitely want to help take a closer look into this. We'd hate to lose your preference, and want to make sure that we do everything we can to help. To better assist, we'll be sending a Private Note. 



Enthusiast - Level 3

WGRZ ch2 ran a story about this back in December.

A couple more articles have been published on how this is costing business's revenue. How the Verizon stores have been complaining to corporate about this. How the municipalities have been pushing Verizon to do something for months. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

Unfortunately Verizon wont allow me to post the links search "wgrz verizon east amherst".

Despite all this Verizon T2 Tech Support claims not one single ticket has ever been submitted for this issue.

I have submitted them in the past as well as family members, neighbors, friends, etc...



Enthusiast - Level 1

My family and I (total 5) have been having the same problem since signing up for the โ€œsuperiorโ€ service about a year ago. We literally cannot take a walk in the neighborhood and expect to receive and make calls reliably.  Nothing has improved. Such a shame. I will be going into a store to look into options of cancelling our service. 

Customer Service Rep
@Sozen  wrote: My family and I (total 5) have been having the same problem since signing up for the โ€œsuperiorโ€ service about a year ago. We literally cannot take a walk in the neighborhood and expect to receive and make calls reliably.  Nothing has improved. Such a shame. I will be going into a store to look into op tions of cancelling our service. 

Sozen, I'm sorry you've been having trouble in your area. I'd be feeling frustated too, if I was having similar issues around my place. It'd be a shame for you to make any changes, without us troubleshooting and seeing what's going on. To start with, can you confirm where you're having trouble? 


Enthusiast - Level 3

John, the issue is well known.  A "Verizon spokesperson" stated that unless dozens if not hundreds of customers manage to create a network tickets all within 2-3 days of each other NOTHING will get done, as the towers themselves are able to be remotely pinged through the backhaul, when they pass the "ping test" the tickets are automatically closed out in the system. OPEN Network tickets are only tracked for 2-3 days max. Tickets that are closed do not count. Tickets that have remained open do not count. This is straight from Verizon ERT (Executive Relations Team). Stop pretending like Customer Service, Tech Support, T2, or Networking cares. You don't, all you people care about is making commission/bonus on sales/upgrades. Stop complaining about customers in semi-private groups for giving poor reviews and start insisting that corporate changes their policies so that both the customer and employees can get resolve to these types of issues. If you bothered to read the title of this thread and/or read some of the other comments you would know the general area that thousands of us customers have been having issues in. The local Verizon stores are also very familiar with this issue. Their complaints in addition to local media articles/segments as well as town governments have gotten nowhere. It is NOT an issue of being "allowed to" put up towers, one town even went as far as offering to lease them space on an existing tower. They have even allowed micro cells to be installed along busier corridors. Verizon simply refuses to do anything. In part because the local Subcontractor who is also a subcontractor for at least one other major carrier keeps reporting everything is fine, no problems here, because they are being paid more by the other carrier thus devotes nearly all  their resources to them. This coming from someone who works for the subcontractor. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

It's not a coverage issue, it's a network congestion issue. It's such a problem that local first responders use WPS for general conversations at times along with preemption because CoS customers & MPB even have issues. 


I also live in East Amherst and have experienced this issue well over the last year.  Every time I call Verizon I go through painful long  repetitive conversations with agents explaining the issue while they tell me i need to upgrade my plan or some ridiculous answer.  I donโ€™t know if a complaint was ever โ€œloggedโ€ but I am at my wits end.  I canโ€™t order food or get directions or make a  call and it is ridiculous.   I am definitely pulling myself and my family of 7 out of Verizon as soon as possible.  I tell everyone I know as welll.  

Customer Service Rep

We strive to provide reliable service, and we are concerned to learn that you are experiencing issues. Let us help. Please tell us, are you having problems indoors or outdoors? Which services are impacted? What model is your device and is the software up to date? 



@vzw_customer_support wrote:

We strive to provide reliable service, and we are concerned to learn that you are experiencing issues. Let us help. Please tell us, are you having problems indoors or outdoors? Which services are impacted? What model is your device and is the software up to date? 


We have answered these questions countless times.  iPhone 13.  All software updates done to date. Both indoors and  outdoors in East Amherst, NY

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate the additional details. We want to make sure that we don't make you go through the same steps again. Could you tell us what troubleshooting steps you have taken for this issue?


Enthusiast - Level 3

Verizon claims to be making progress in the next town over in Akron. NY

Through Verizon is still denying ANY issues in Clarence/East Amherst. The problem has been getting WORSE and WORSE.




wgrz verizon east amherst