Enthusiast - Level 1

Our coverage has been getting worse at home.  I now have to go outside and down the street sometimes to send a text.   I work from home and need more reliable service......especially for close to $300 a month.   How can you get better service?  My ATT device has not trouble/\

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12 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Switch all to ATT? Carriers like grocery stores don't deserve loyalty. VZW works great where I live, but if that changes or I move somewhere with poor VZW service, I'm not going to tolerate it.

With 5G coming up, this should improve things a bit in the future.

Champion - Level 3

If you have a smartphone with WiFi calling available AND you have internet service you could try WiFi calling.  This is not a compelling solution since WiFi calling may not be 100% successful all the time.  If you have separate wired internet service, you might look at a Network Extender to provide a cell signal within your home.

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Customer Service Rep


I'm sorry that you're having service problems at our home. Our goal is to make sure you have the best possible service. Allow me to help investigate what may be happening so we can find a resolution for you. You mentioned that the coverage has been getting worse. About when did you notice the decline in service? Is texting the only trouble you're having with service or are you having issues with calls & data as well? If you're experiencing other issues, please provide me with all the details of what is going on. Do you happen to know of any other VZW users in your area that have issues as well? What Zip Code are you in? Please supply me with the make & model phone you are using.


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I am experiencing the same poor coverage in my home as many of the others have reported.  I was a 16 year long time customer of Sprints.  I FINALLY got a new Iphone X and decided to switch to Verizon because YOU were supposed to have the BEST 4g coverage out there!  WRONG!!!!!!  EVERYTIME I get a phone call in my house, I have to STEP outside for people to hear me !  I tried switching to the WIFI calling (after reading the blogs)...that hasn't helped EITHER !!!  I am in real estate and I CANNOT operate my business this way !  I want to know what can be done to improve my coverage or I will BREAK my contract and go back to SPRINT -- say what you will, I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER dropped a call in 16 years !!!!  Yes, poor internet coverage in many areas...but, always GREAT phone coverage !!  I am HIGHLY disappointed with Verizon coverage!  My Zip Code is 34293 !!!!

Customer Service Rep

HELJOH87, we are sorry to hear that you are having issues with your service, and we would be glad to help you get this resolved. May you please verify your zip code to see if there are any reported problems in your area?

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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Champion - Level 3

Verizon knows about the service in your area without you telling them. Also, they've been working with the local government to fix that. If you don't feel that is getting fixed then go to your local government and tell them to stop blocking Verizon.


I have called Verizon Tech Support in early May, on June 27, on July 8 and again on July 18. The conclusion of my multiple reports and over 7 hours troubleshooting with Tier 2 tech support, including detailed descriptions of general area and roads surrounding my home with very poor signal was to be told yesterday by another Tier 2 tech that the support ticket created, finally, on 7/8 was closed with the explanation that I "had a problem in my home". I was further told that nothing more could be done. To be clear, I have the issue, my wife has the issue and my neighbors all complain about the same issue. I am pondering what I and what my neighbors will do next.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon coverage in my state seems to be getting worse over time.  The last day or so, signal strength inside my home is -113dB, and outside on a balcony, on a clear bright day, it's -108dB.  Calls are often one-way only - one party can't hear the other at all.  The coverage level seems to be regressing to the 1990s, when large dead zones were common in rural areas, and service inside the home was rarely good enough to use.

Customer Service Rep

Oh, no! This isn't the experience we want you to have with our service. What is your ZIP Code? We'd be glad to check out your service area for any issues.


Enthusiast - Level 1

My zip code is 19382.  Most of my calls fail now - they appear to connect but both parties hear dead silence.  Sometimes, if I am indoors and my phone switches to wi-fi calling before the other party hangs up, a call can be "rescued".  Signal strength is hovering around -120dB outdoors.  This was measured on my phone and a family member's iPhone, and a third phone with a different provider.  This is a real problem.  I would be less irritated if the coverage maps didn't claim perfect coverage across nearly the entire state of Pennsylvania, when I know it's false.  I am not asking for 5G.  I just want reliable phone service, and usable data (even if slow).

Customer Service Rep


Thank you for reaching out to us here. We definitely want to troubleshoot with you. Please, do us the kindness of sending us a Private Note if you have a moment.


Customer Service Rep

We always want you to get the best service possible, mataa! Thank you for working with our technicians. There are some locations that we just can't cover quite as well as others. Do you have high-speed internet at your home? A network extender may be a great option to help. Click here to learn more:
