Credit for new phone

Hope someone out there can help me with this or had a similar problem an knows the solution. I am a new customer, bought a bran new phone. The phone I bought had a promotion price of x dollars a month making the phone x amount of money. ( I don't remember the  amount) I bought the phone out right. i asked in chat and was told I would get a $15 credit for the next 24 months. That would bring the cost down to what the promo instalment price was. After 2 nd bill, and no credit to account I contacted chat again,  guy I got on chat said Verizon dose not offer deals like that. Any ideas how to resolve this?

2 Replies
Specialist - Level 2

If you bought the phone outright meaning you paid for it in full on the spot then you probably won't get a deal like that.  Hopefully you saved the chat transcripts to prove it.  

Customer Service Rep

We would love to help ensure you get any eligible promotions. Please send a Private Note and we can offer you more personalzied suppot to review the eligibility.