Dead Zone
Enthusiast - Level 1

There are multiple dead zones in Twinsburg OH (44087) and within Solon OH. I'm unable to make or receive calls at my house. 

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Thanks for reaching out and bringing your situation to our attention. Service at home and when away is important to stay connected with friends and family. We currently do not see an alert for this location so would like to further work with you on coverage and options.  Please reply to the private note so we can get started.


Enthusiast - Level 1

I’d like to provide further information. I’ve called a couple times and shared this info. At my house I have to use WiFi calling or I can’t make phone calls. 

When I call they always say the coverage map shows 5G, but I have 1 bar and sometimes it goes to SOS, so not enough to do most calls. 

The houses in our neighborhood are 15+ years old, so not new. Everyone here just deals with it as it’s known cell coverage is bad. Some people have started switching to other providers to see if it helps. 

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with valuable information. We strive to provide reliable service and would like to find the root cause of the issue as fast as possible. To better assist, I'll be sending a Private Message, please reply to it, so we can get started. 
