Disney Bundle & Hulu Price Increase

Good afternoon,

I currently receive the Disney Bundle as part of my monthly plan which includes Disney+, ESPN+, & Basic Hulu. Hulu recently announced they are increasing their monthly prices and with this increase they are including the Disney Bundle on all accounts. This means I’ll be paying for something I’m already receiving, which doesn’t make any sense. When I initially signed up for Hulu I was already on the my current VZW plan with the Disney Bundle. I assume because of the relationship between VZW and Hulu, Hulu credits me back for the basic Hulu price each month since I’m already paying for it through VZW.

I have reached out to Hulu regarding this and they suggested going a step further by also listing it on the VZW community forum to see if engaging both companies would drive a result.

Has there been any discussion about this Hulu Price increase and what will happen with for VZW customers with plans that include the Disney Bundle? My understanding is there’s an existing relationship between the 2 companies so I’d hope this has at least been discussed on some level for all the customers who support both VZW and Hulu/Disney.

Has anyone seen or heard anything on this?

Re: Disney Bundle & Hulu Price Increase
Customer Service Rep

Hello there N_S19 and thank you for bringing this to our attention. We can certainly understand having some questions about the Hulu plan and we are here to help any way we can. I want to confirm first, are you connected with a plan that provided Disney+ free for 6 months or a year only?-Candice

Re: Disney Bundle & Hulu Price Increase

Hello Candice,

When I signed up for my plan there was no time limit and is built into the cost of the plan. As long as I stay on my plan it’s part of my fees.

Re: Disney Bundle & Hulu Price Increase
Customer Service Rep

N_S19, we apologize for any confusion with the price increase from Hulu. That increase has nothing to do with our customers that are taking advantage of a plan that includes the Disney+ Bundle. It would only impact customers that are subscribed to Hulu through us that are paying the monthly cost, not on a plan that includes that service.


Since you have the Disney+ Bundle, you will have nothing to worry about regarding Hulu's price increase.
