Does anyone know what they’re doing?

My friend and I went to a Verizon dealer (not a retailer), three days ago, to upgrade our phones. My friend was able to upgrade his, but when the rep (of 20+ years) went to upgrade mine, the system wouldn’t allow him to completely the upgrade, he said. Despite the fact that I’d paid off 70%+ of my device, he insisted we hadn’t even paid off half. He eventually redacted that statement, but said I would still need to pay off my device to upgrade. So, we did that, in the store, and nothing changed. So, we spent $350 for nothing. According to him, and the store manager, there was nothing they could do to remedy this problem; they said they’d never seen this happen before, and recommended that we contact Verizon over the phone to resolve the problem. That night, I spoke with several chat reps, and was told that there is no reason I shouldn’t be able to upgrade (with financing, and without making a down payment). Since we visited the store, we have spoken with at least 10 reps, multiple supervisors included, taking up more than 6 HOURS of my time. We are honestly ready to cancel our service, because this is totally absurd. Upgrading should not be anywhere near this difficult, and the fact that no one has been able to provide us a solid answer to explain what’s happening is beyond us. Can anyone explain what’s happening? Is anyone else dealing with the same problem? I would really appreciate SOME kind of real help.

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Upgrading your device should definitely be an easy and exciting process. We will be more than happy to help you process your order. We contacted you via a Private Note to continue assisting you.

Specialist - Level 3

So the store "solution" was to take any personal responsibility and shove it on someone else? Typical.

Once a phone agreement is bought out, you can't undo it. If the phone is paid, you can use it for trade-in credit which you couldn't before under an early upgrade. Do that and next time learn the art of self serve.