Don't fall for Verizon Gift card scam when switching to FIOS

I switched to FIOS from another provider because of 2 reasons.  The other provider kept having connectivity issues and could not remedy it.  But I chose mostly because they offered me two 100 gift cards to switch that day and I could redeem them after 60 days of service.  I was led to believe they were M/C but as I discovered recently are only good for Verizon products online or to pay your bill.  Then when the time came to redeem them i went to the site and the link would not work.  I "chatted" and they tried to help but said the system was down and to try again in a day or so.   Nope, 2 days later same problem.  I chatted and then called then called again and again and got the customary super long wait time on hold and some said to try again and others said this happens alot.  After i finally realized i had 8 days left to redeem i called again and was told not to worry that if the offer expires they mail out the cards.  REALLY?  I was not going to fall for that!  I asked them to just mail them now.  They switched me to the credit card department and another 50 minutes later i get someone who begrungingly finally agreed to mail them early.  Then t the end said i would have them in 45 to 60 days.  I was stunned!!!  I had already waited 6 weeks getting strung along to now be told wait up to 2 months more???  I went on line to research and then find out i can pretty much only use them to pay my bill.  If that is the case then why did they not just credit my bill to begin with?  So, i called back again ad got a rude and condescending customer service person who just said things like "you'll get it eventually" and "i don't know why your complaining"  etc.  So i asked to speak to a supervisor above him and he said it would be a waste of my time since they would only say what he said.  After insisting several times he said he would have a supervisor call me and it would be 15 to 20 minutes.  Oh, and he was working from home and had a screaming child in the room with him to add to the professionalism and increase the aggravation factor by 10 fold.  Needless to say nobody called me back.  There are more carriers out there to whom i think i will be researching starting very soon if i don't get some relief!    

2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

This complaint would be more appropriate for the Verizon Fios forum and not the Verizon Wireless Community forum.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep

Zorro-the-cat We appreciate the information you provided and we want to help you. As a consumer, I know how important it is for you to receive the promotion you were offered.To ensure we provide a resolution, please send us a private message on our Facebook page or send us a DM to @VZWSupport on Twitter so we can further assist you." JacobG_VZW
