Email regarding upgrading any phone on plan with Edge program

Has anyone received an email in the last couple days telling them about the new Everthing Plan and an upgrade promotion that states-

And now for a limited time, MORE upgrades!
Through March 31, we’d like to offer you the chance to use Verizon Edge to add a line or upgrade any phone* on your account, regardless of current upgrade eligibility.  In addition to a great new phone, you’ll also get a $10 or $20 monthly credit for each smartphone on your More Everything plan under this program.

Stop by your nearest Verizon Wireless Store for a complimentary plan review and to upgrade today.

* Upgrade any phone in good working condition that was not purchased through the Edge program by trading it in. Only phones activated prior to 11/13/13 qualify.

I went to the Verizon store and talked to Customer Service and even though I have 2 lines that were purchased prior to 11/13/2013 for some reason my account isn't flagged correctly for this new promotion so I've been denied upgrading both of my lines. Customer Service's only advice to me was to write a letter and mail or fax (yes, handwrite a letter that has to be mailed or faxed) to the Correspondence Team that would then contact Corporate to possibly fix this issue. Anyone have any other advice or are having this issue?

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

LeeLee09, We do want to make sure you are given the best options available for you. This is a current promotion that we are offering customers. Do you currently have the ability to bill to your account? If you can please approve me that I am following you and then follow me back, once that is approved, then we can take a closer look at your account. Thank you for your time and we look forward to helping you.


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We just upgraded our plan to More everything plan and also upgraded 2 new phones on the plan and added a tablet...we were NEVER informed about this Edge program or it's discounts/deals that could be applied to our bill.  Shouldn't we be eligible for the $20 off smartphone/month?  We have been verizon customers for over 10 years and pay almost $200-$300/month!  We need as much shareable data as possible and unlimited messaging.  Please tell me what ALL of my plan options are and I need to know if we qualify for EDGE discounts!

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Community Leader

Ak47jones82 wrote:

We just upgraded our plan to More everything plan and also upgraded 2 new phones on the plan and added a tablet...we were NEVER informed about this Edge program or it's discounts/deals that could be applied to our bill.  Shouldn't we be eligible for the $20 off smartphone/month?  We have been verizon customers for over 10 years and pay almost $200-$300/month!  We need as much shareable data as possible and unlimited messaging.  Please tell me what ALL of my plan options are and I need to know if we qualify for EDGE discounts!

The customer can also do themselves a favor by educating themselves before heading to the store and purchasing the devices.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep

Hi Ak47jones82 - We certainly want you to be aware of all of your options! If you are still within 14 days of the original purchase you do have the option to convert the 2 year contract to an Edge agreement if your account qualifies. It would be best to discuss requirements in the store as the original point of sale will have to complete the transition.

Thank you,

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