Finance limit unable to upgrade

Enthusiast - Level 1

So I’ve had Verizon for at least 2 yrs now. Had switched and financed 3 iphones. 2 out of the 3 are now paid off and the one only has like $80 left on it. I learned that I cannot complete monthly payments on a new upgrade and that I would need to pay full price. Also it may take 6-12 months before the credit limit could potentially increase according to someone in customer care. You know how long I waited to upgrade!! AND now I have to wait another year. My iPhones are already 3 generations behind and Verizon doesn’t seem to value me as a customer. I’m beyond frustrated because I was told there’s nothing they can do. Where’s the customer loyalty?? 

5 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Total garbage from Verizon who doesn't value their Customers@ I guess time to switch..

Customer Service Rep

We don't want anyone to feel this way, Predator7! Are you also having trouble upgrading?




I am having the same issue. My phone is paid off but won’t let me upgrade due to me not having enough gap in my credit limit to cover the full price of the phone, even though I would only be paying $100 or so total for it

Customer Service Rep

It is always good to know your options when upgrading. In this case, if you have met your finance limit, you can normally make a down payment to be able to finance the remaining balance of the device. We hope this information helps.


Specialist - Level 3

Your financing limit has nothing to do with "customer loyalty". It's based off a mix of personal credit and payment history. Covid also isn't helping things since outside of Verizon, some credit card issuers have lowered limits on people.

If your credit is decent, try financing outside Verizon.