How can I have the "stream to your heart's content" unlimited plan and have little to no internet after 15 gigs? This is a cruel joke!

How can I have the "stream to your heart's content" unlimited plan and have little to no internet after 15 gigs? This is a cruel joke!

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Sounds like you are using the hotspot feature. Have you familiarized yourself with the terms and conditions of the plan? Beyond Unlimited FAQs | Verizon Wireless

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Master - Level 1

JUDBOY79 wrote:

How can I have the "stream to your heart's content" unlimited plan and have little to no internet after 15 gigs? This is a cruel joke!

Did you READ the details of the plan you chose? Apparently not. wireless is not a home internet replacement.. Get real internet. I guess wireless is magical and can provide each user with hundreds of GBs a month with a few MHZ of spectrum. Oh wait it's doesn't work that way.