Identity theft victim

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have been a victim if identity theft, and I have not been held at all by Verizon. Someone use my Social Security number, and even spelled my government name wrong, and they still allow the account to B open.. Verizon is stating just because I am aware of who the person is even though I have not seen them in almost a year because they went to another state they cannot help and i need to go to civil court. That is unfair because I have submitted every document thatโ€™s proves that I am me. I have even went into the Verizon store and showed them my ID and I had an account when I have been a T-Mobile customer since 2017. The name was even spelled wrong and not even the same on my ID. It was missing a letter That means it was not the same Social Security number that was because it is missing a letter. Why would I not know how to spell my own name to submit affidavit fraud and I had to pay to get it notarized and then I called the fraud department again and they told me they couldnโ€™t do anything yet again because I knew the person. I also had a police report/incident report number and they still would not help me . It doesnโ€™t make sense with horizon when I have been with T-Mobile since 2017. Shouldnโ€™t matter if the perpetrator was not aware until almost 4 months later. Tried to get a credit card and that was what revealed the address and the phone number which that evil person was texting me from for a month out of nowhere to ask me for my address to send me a Valentineโ€™s Day gift, which I never got in the next day, I got a hardcopy on my credit. Says Verizon copies are not alert for November when it is not March. I spent a good eight hours dealing with Verizon and the police police station because the police needed a bill with my name on it, but Verizon would not let me into the account even though my Social Security number is mine and I had my ID with me, but I didnโ€™t have the phone because the criminal had the phone and it was sending a pin code to that person and there was no way to get around that so what type of fraud prevention do you have a criminal is having access to a stolen phone that the pin number is going to and the real person is right in your face. Circles inside of the Verizon store on the phone with the fraud department. Verizon Should delete all of my information from their system because I never would ever apply to Verizon so why would I out of nowhere switch to Verizon? I have T-Mobile since 2017

5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We are truly sorry to see you in this dilemma. Being part of fraudulent activity can be overwhelming. We want to guide you in the right direction.


You can submit a fraud claim online through our official page: They will provide the support you need (a specialist will contact you within two business days to address your concern).


Enthusiast - Level 2

I have already done so . I have submitted all the proof that I am who I say I am. I am located in California and the phone was sent to New Jersey. They even told me to download an affidavit of fraud and I had to pay to get it notarized only for them to say that I cannot do that, and they will not accept it because I am aware of the person who use my social. when this person bought a phone in November, I was not notified. Not until that person tried to get a credit card in February then was then I was notified of an address and phone number that I had no connection to. As a fraud victim, I have the right to see an account that is using my Social Security number, but when I went into the Verizon store and gave them my ID, I had an account even though I never set up an account, but they would not let me into the account because the pin number was getting sent to a thief way in New Jersey. Who had the stolen phone And I cannot get around that. How is it Fraud prevention, but they donโ€™t know how to get around being sent to a stolen phone. At this point, Verizon is helping the thief and I have wasted money paying to get something notarized only for them to say they cannot accept it because this is a civil matter when it is not a civil matter this is a crime and I am a victim of a crime. I was aware of being sent to New Jersey all the way in November I would have started the process, but I was never notified because it was a soft inquiry . When they applied for a credit card that is when I got notified of a hard inquiry, Verizon is helping a thief. Use my Social Security number and then telling the real person they cannot access the account. Telling me that I need police report when the police are telling me I need to get a print out of a bill with my name on it and Revis and is refusing to do so even though that is my only Social Security number that I was born with. Also, my name is spelled incorrectly on the account, so for Verizon to allow that to happen by using my Social Security number with the incorrect spelling they are also at fault. . Submitted I have submitted my passport. I have submitted my ID. I have submitted mail with my name on it and they still refuse my documents. I have the right as an identity theft victim to an account that is social and Verizon has denied me access even though that is my social that I was born with, they ask for more stuff when you are trying to prove you are you than trying to set up an account . Now I have to spend money to set up a case for a small claims but how can I sue someone for my Social Security number? I donโ€™t know how much the iPhone 15 Pro Max was that was put on financing. Why do I need to go to claim for my security number that I was born with because Verizon is refusing to help me? 

my case number is : *****

as I stated earlier, I had to pay to get an affidavit of fraud notarized only for them to say that I need to go to court. But Verizon is at fault because how do you accept an account with a misspelled name connected to a Social Security number? That already shouldโ€™ve been a red flag

Champion - Level 1

โ˜น๏ธRecovering from identity theft is a long process and has to go through other channels.  Please see the following:

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you I have tried everything I can as far as filling out documents. I just donโ€™t understand why Verizon is having access of my stolen Social Security number and wonโ€™t let me get at least something with my name on it as a copy even with the bill so that I can get a police report because I only have an incident report and they are refusing to let me into the account because the pin number is getting sent to the thief, like how does that make sense? Where is the fraud prevention in that part? 

Customer Service Rep

It is unfortunate to become a victim of Fraud. I've personally experienced a situation 4 years ago and totally understand you. For privacy protection, only our Fraud Department have access to review your Fraud Claim status. I am confident, they will be able to help. Please contact them at: 1888-483-7200. To check the status via My Verizon use your claim number here:
