Intermittent reception in my entire neighborhood
Enthusiast - Level 1

Today I saw a request on our neighborhood Facebook page about if anyone is getting decent cell phone coverage because the user was frustrated with intermittent service and regular dropped calls. Over 25 people commented on how frustrated they are with Verizon service and some are considering switching to other carriers. What do we have to do to get a tower closer to us to provide more consistent coverage? WiFi calling is not the answer.

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello Jfd45249, we're concerned to learn that you and your neighbors are having service issues, and we'd love to help. When did the problem start? How are your other services being impacted (texts, data)? In what ZIP Code are you having issues?



Enthusiast - Level 1

My zip code is 45140. Our entire neighborhood (White Pillars) is experiencing dropped calls. I have not had an issue with data or texts.

Customer Service Rep

Thank you so much for that information. We checked the area but could see no issues reported currently. Are you only experiencing these issues the most when indoors? How far away do you have to be from the area before the service improves? Do you have high speed internet at home?


