Issue Not Resolved
Enthusiast - Level 2

How do I get an issue escalated? Since 1/2/2021, I have now spent a collective 40+ hours on the phone between Verizon and Apple. Verizon identified the issue was on their end on 1/7/2021 and after more hours on the phone, all I end up with is ticket numbers and no resolution. No department seems to be able to help. While each representative has been kind and attempted to help, I find it hard to believe that getting my issue of upgrading my phone is this difficult to resolve.

7 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

20+ not 40

Customer Service Rep

Your time is extremely valuable, and we definitely want to make sure that we turn this experience around. We will be more than happy to assist you on this platform. Could you please provide us with more details about your current situation?

Enthusiast - Level 2

It looks like they completely reset my account because I had to create a new login on the MyVerizon app so I'm guessing I'm able to upgrade now. Now I'm just trying to reach out to the sales person I spoke with a week ago because I was told I was approved for $350 off the price of the phone I'm trying to order. 

Specialist - Level 2

Just my experience but seems you need to find a helpful rep few are but many aren't and do nothing supervisor are no better

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm not sure what your exact issue is, but I have been having problems with my "hotspot".  Nonetheless, I feel the same as you do regarding resolution of the issue.

It seems like every time I contact Verizon, on the phone, chat,  email on this forum, I have to start at the very beginning, all over again.  Surely they can see the notes from previous contacts.  Apparently, the customer service/technical support representatives are somehow rewarded for resolving problems at the lowest level.  That's awesome if they can in fact, resolve the problem.  But what happens if they can't?

"Tickets" are generated and In my case ignored or reesponded to, or "completed" with the cause being unrelated to the problem.  I.e. my "hotspot" issue was in there opinion, solved with the solution to a "WiFi calling" problem.  Of course, there is no way to contact the person who generated the ticket or the person that closed it.  You have to start at the beginning all over again, Representative, Supervisor, nothing accomplished. 

Top down doesn't seem to work either.  I have emailed numerous addresses found on the internet.  Of course, only a fool would expect Verizon's CEO to return a customer's email.  I have hoped that maybe his assistant would forward the concern to someone that might though.  No luck yet, and I'm not holding my breath.  

You would think that there is someone, somewhere, in the Verizon hierarchy that can handle problems that haven't been resolved after literally dozens of contacts, totaling tens of hours.  It's a waste of time for both the customer and the employees.   I just don't get it.

Good luck to you.  I hope you find a speedy resolution to your problem. 



Enthusiast - Level 2

Looks like you're getting the same answers on a completely different issue! Have you gotten it resolved since leaving this comment?


A bit about my situation - I ordered an iPhone 12 pro max off the MyVerizon app on 12/25. I canceled it on 1/1 because the 24 month payments were cheaper through Apples website than Verizon. I was told on Verizons end that it was canceled successfully and I can order the phone. Since 1/2, I have gone back and forth with verizon and Apple because neither site allows me to order a phone. On 1/7 I had a sales rep at Verizon identify multiple orders on my account that seem to be the result of some sort of glitch because neither I or anyone else submitted orders on the same line. I dont even know if thats possible. So since then I have ended up with 4 ticket numbers and when I call to follow up each day they say it was resolved but no one can proceed to order this phone so it obviously is not resolved. I'm at the point where I've spent enough time talking on the phone to these two companies and am highly considering switching carriers because this is just too time consuming and frustrating.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Unfortunately the answer is no.  I am getting closer to a resolution though.  The thing with Verizon's customer support is that the representatives knowledge, experience, overall abilities are totally different from individual to individual.  As a result, you are subject to "the luck of the draw".  If you don't get resolution from the person your talking to, ask to speak to their supervisor.  If you are still unhappy, simply call back and talk to someone else.  Even though this does require a fair amount of time and tenacity, hopefully, sooner or later, you will be connected to a person that can actually resolve your problem.  Keep in mind that there are literally thousands of representatives.

Overall, the vast majority of Verizon's customer service employees have been both friendly and understanding, which is probably the result of their training.  However, being friendly and understanding while following a checklist doesn't always get the job done and in my case has proven to be a total waste of time.  I wish I had a better answer for you.

As you already mentioned, our issues are completely different.  I had no idea that Apple offered their phones at a price lower than Verizon.  I thought that phone prices were pretty much fixed.  I'm still on an iPhone 6 but hope to upgrade soon now that 5g devices are available.

Good luck and please send me an update when your problem is resolved.  Take care, Terry