Issues With Data Accounting And Variences Between The Website And Customer Service

Anyone else notice higher than normal data amounts this month or a variance in the website amount and the amount a call center rep gives you? I had a 10Gb variance that showed on the website in a prior month 1 day after data reset. Im getting kinda concerned I'm being scammed here by verizon, Ive never went over 20Gb and my surfing habits havent changed! On another related not, I was informed the mechanism that monitors data used and reports it to the website and your phone is running on a delay well the last 5 days it recorded accurate information for my daily usage. I was a happy verizon customer until these strange things started happening with my usage!

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3 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Sometimes the website can be behind by a 12-24 hours, but normally it's very accurate.  Have you tried doing #data? That's the figured customer service goes off of.  By 10GB is certainly concerning, but it's no scam, could be a glitch.


#data on my phone pulls up the same app I have been using to check it, and it shows 21GB so 1 GB over my plan however a rep called me 4 or so days ago and told me my usuage is closer to 40Gb. So I installed a data usage monitor on the only phone I use the data on, and next month I have a similar issue I will be leaving verizon.


The 10Gb on my first day into a cycle was a glitch, it was fixed about a week into the billing cycle, the current problem im having is in regaurds to almost a 20Gb variance between the two systems they have for data accounting, Such a huge variance just smells fishy.