Length of time before "Correspondence Team" Responds To A Letter
Enthusiast - Level 2

In most situations can the "Correspondence Team" respond to a letter within 30 days from the time they receive said letter?  Also--Is telephone, or "chat board," communication, with the customer, required by the "Correspondence Team" as a condition of taking actions which would resolve the issues raised in the letter? 

The "Correspondence Team," at PO Box 408, Newark, NJ 07101-0408, received a certified mail letter, with a "return receipt," this past Monday, Sept. 17th.  My letter requested a resolution of the issues raised before the October billing date (on or about October 20) for my Verizon account. Because of the multiple, and extended, "hold" times I have experienced in my calls to Customer Service I indicated I would not accept phone calls related to said letter or respond to requests that I phone Customer Service.  Will my unwillingness to participate in Verizon's "phone game" be a basis for said letter being "trashed?"  For what it's worth I did indicate, in said letter, that all Verizon Customer Service reps have been courteous.  However, again, the number and length of "holds" related to a given phone call to Customer Service was unacceptable.  The "heading" of said letter included, among other items, my email address, my fax number, and my Postal Service mailing address.

I currently have a total of four lines on my account.  With respect to two of said four lines:  I transferred the devices related to the latter two lines to my AT&T account. Verizon’s response was to place these two lines in “suspended” status and, without telling me, Verizon placed one of these two devices—an Apple iPad—in “lost / stolen” status.  Whether the latter action was intended to be a “punishment,” from Verizon, I will probably never know.  Needless to say my letter includes a request to remove this “lost / stolen” status.  In addition my letter also requests the removal of said two lines from my account.

Finally one of said two lines is listed, as “Account Owner,” under “Personal & Security Information” in my online account with Verizon.  This “Account Owner” device is NOT the device that Verizon labeled as “lost / stolen.” In my letter I requested that one of my remaining two “active” Verizon cellular phones--***-***-9539--be designated as “Account Owner.”

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6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Thanks for your question, Raritan1922. Since this is account specific, we have responded in private. Please check your mailbox and we look forward to hearing from you.



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Enthusiast - Level 2

I do not have a Twitter account nor do I wish to create one.  Within the context of "one-to-one" communication:  I'm sure you're well aware that exchanging messages via conventional email accomplishes the same task as "Twitter exchanges."  I will assume that Verizon sees some type of adverse legal exposure (whatever that may be!) if they were to allow employees to communicate with customers via conventional email.

Master - Level 1

they sent you a PM on THIS website so either respond to it or not but you're not going to get them to e-mail you. click My View then INBOX

Enthusiast - Level 2

I also tried contacting Verizon's Attention Correspondance Team after customer service representatives told me nobody else could help me except that Team. My issue has been ongoing ever since I switched to Verizon almost 7 months ago. I've spent dozens of hours calling, chatting and even going to Verizon stores to solve this problem and yet I'm still being unfairly charged $1300 that I wasn't supposed to be charged in the first place. How can I get a response from the top tiers at Verizon's customer support and close this matter once and for all.

Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Customer Service Rep
We're terribly sorry to see the whole ordeal you've been through. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best customer experience possible. Unfortunately at this time we don't have specific details on the time frame our Correspondence Team has to respond to a customer's concern. The great news is that you have received confirmation that the letter has been received, at this point all we can do is ask for your patience while our Correspondence Team reaches out to you.

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