Low Signal

My Company just moved us to a new location on a military base and now we have ZERO signal inside the building and low two bars of signal outside and this goes for many other phone business. is there a way to request some kind of assistance in the area? eg; tower, booster, etc...
Thank you for your time.

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Zip code? It is likely the building itself is blocking the signal just from the construction material used to build the building. It is also possible there are other factors in play reducing the quality of the signal.

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Our Zip Code is 98433. I am sure there is a signal quality since if I am standing outside in the wide open parking lot we only get about one to two bars.

If it helps in any way I have started using the app SENSORLY to try and collect passive data of the quality of my signal in the area.

Is there some other way to get better reception in my area?

Customer Service Rep

We want to look into this with you, Ccaallmmaa. Have you tried to refresh your network such as resetting your network settings on your device? Here is a great link on ways to improve your service in areas that may have issues: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/signal-concern-resolution/ . From what you stated, this may be a dead zone which could be caused by the buildings in the area or the location at which the towers are for that area. Please let us know if you notice any improvement using these options, we will continue to assist you here.


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Enthusiast - Level 3

There solution is to buy more equipment.  when you signal used to be fine.  That is about the only answer you will get.   i usually don't come here and comment but Holy garbage I've seen some Rude reply's to some people's issues and that is really a sad thing to say. 

In all my years of scrolling through Comments on Web site and Providers I have never seen where a customer care rep told a customer of 22 years to Switch Providers and Good Luck with T-mobile. 

I mean holy cow. do Verizon CEO's  know what Reps are telling longtime Customers ?  

Telling one Person how to correct their children's behavior.   Wow I never thought I would see such arrogance in someone.  If i told customers of mine to go to another Shop when their car broke down I would be out or Business soon. 

I know your feeling about Signal Loss it's been going on for some time now and I believe it's due to the signal be at a dangerous level and Verizon along with other Carries are lowering the Signal due to dangerous levels.  It's all I can come up with.   Otherwise you will get where do you live,  can you tell me when this started, is it your phone that problems on your end.  no I don't believe are told what is going on.   Good luck I hope Verizon gets these issues figured out.  

And I hope Verizon Reps Quit Telling Longtime Customers to Go to another Carrier it's not COOL !!