My phone doesnt ring, I only know someone called by voicemail prompt or if they send a follow up text.
Enthusiast - Level 2

I would like to know, how many others are having this issue. It has been happening on my line and my son's line for over a year and a half. I have tried on numerous occasions to get it fixed, but without success. They always come back and say the techs are not able to duplicate it. I know for a fact I am not the only one experiencing this issue, but I am curious as too how many others are as well. I am considering a class action lawsuit, only because I pay a lot of money for VZW services and in my area unfortunately there are no other service providers that have anywhere near the capabilities of Verizon, if only they worked, I would switch In  a minute. Please reply to this, even if you have had the problem and have since had it resolved, maybe it will help Verizon get the issue resolved for me and my son as well. I have 3 people on my account, 2 of us have the issue and the 3rd does not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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28 Replies
Champion - Level 3

What phones are you using? What locations are you experiencing issues? What phone is the one not experiencing issues? Are all device's software up to date?

Enthusiast - Level 2

We have been forced to try multiple phones and well that may seem awesome to some, to get new phones with out having to upgrade, it becomes a huge pain when things do not get transferred and important voicemails get deleted "by mistake" . We have had the Razor, Razor M, Moto X, Samsung S3 and now a Droid Mini. There is no rhyme or reason as to where it happens, nor does it matter where we are, all device software is current and up to date, phone not experiencing problems is a Droid Turbo now that he upgraded, but he was using the Droid Mini that I have now, without issues, but now that it is on my line, it doesn't ring.

Champion - Level 3

nemotoad, Have you had the SIM cards replaced in the phones experiencing issues? If you're using your son's old Droid Mini and he had not troubles with the device it may be that. Also, you might want to try going to each device's settings then to Mobile Networks (you may have to select More under Wireless and Networks) then tap on System select then change the Network Mode from Global to LTE/CDMA. My suggestion is try this but ALSO get the SIM card replaced.

WillietheWarlock. First of all, the store is NOT, by any means, able to diagnose a true network error. So the OP has so far done the right thing by calling in. I can tell you what the store rep will do. A store rep will probably start out being detached from the issue because every minute they spend diagnosing the problem will be a minute they're not selling. So the OP will not get the service needed. Then they'll do a test call and say that it's working and direct OP to call in if the problem persists. Not every rep will replace the SIM but if nemotoad goes in asking for it it will be done and then when another call is placed to tech support it can be ruled out as the cause. As far as I am concerned the steps taken thus far by nematoad have been correct.

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes, I have had the SIM card replaced, most recently on Saturday at the store and they did exactly what Willie said. They did replace it after I insisted. Then they placed 3 test calls one went through, the other 2 did not. They had no idea what the issue could be. They checked the settings on my phone and said they would follow up in a week and see if it got better. I doubt I will get that call.

Specialist - Level 1

Make sure this isn't on:  Use Do Not Disturb on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support

Check to see the switch on the left side of your phone is in the upper position (if not please do so).

Enthusiast - Level 2

We do not have I phones but thank you. There have been numerous trouble tickets opened and numerous troubleshooting on all devices.

Specialist - Level 1

Sorry about that my fault.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Take all of your phones into a Verizon store and have one of the agents check your phone settings, then test them right there in the store.

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Wilie, with all do respect, do you honestly think that in the year and a half of having this issue I have not already been to the store? Multiple ones and had it happen right there in front of them, I also do not see anywhere in any of my responses where I have offered any excuse or said I have not been to any stores, in fact I was just there this past Saturday to change over to the phone I now have.

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Enthusiast - Level 2

I have been dealing with this for a very, very long time, I have went to the stores, they have seen it happen, they have done all trouble shooting on our devices( as previously stated) up to and including factory resets and changing our phone number. The Verizon Wireless customer service reps have opened numerous trouble tickets and have replaced the phones and SIM cards to no avail. I was hoping that maybe someone else has experienced this same issue and had theirs fixed by something Verizon hasn't thought to try yet and Ii could get some input. I haven't switched to another provider because the only other one in my area that has decent call quality is Straight Talk, but their data portion isn't good (also previously mentioned). It is only my line and my son's line on my plan that have issues, these lines are both the original lines when I opened the account, the 3rd line on my account has zero issues, with this problem. I have spoken to some of my friends, not only near me, but in other states and other areas a some have had the same issues and continue to experience it as well, just not as frequently as myself and my son. I miss almost every call because of this and we do not know the person even tried to call, because there is our phones simply do not show a call is even trying to come through, nor does it ring or show a missed call. We doo not know they called unless they leave a voicemail or send a text. Believe me I have went down every avenue I can. I have switched devices at my own cost, I have also switched devices through Verizon and SIM cards.

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Enthusiast - Level 3

Nemo, grabbing at straws but sometimes that's all you have:

The Droid Mini was your son's and now it is yours... it worked for him fine, but doesn't for you.  You can call out but others can't call in... strange.  Did you have this problem with the phone you were using before you swapped to the Mini?  If so, you likely transferred the problem from the old phone to the Mini.  Did he have separate ringers set up for individual callers?  Make sure you have just one ringer for everybody calling in.  Make sure the "Airplane Mode" is not ON.  Did he have a lot of cell numbers listed in his "Blocked" call list? Your missed calls may be from numbers he had blocked.  Clear the blocked call list.

The network is not the problem.  I think the Mini would work fine if you put it back on your son's line because everything with his Turbo is working fine as was the Mini until he gave it to you.  Something is common between your Mini and the second phone you have that is not working properly.  If you have these two phones wirelessly synched, turn OFF the synching or they will just swap the bad data back and forth between them.  Check to see what you have (Apps or Settings) on the two "bad" phones that are not also installed/set on your son's current phone... his works, your other two don't, so compare them item by item and if you find an App or Setting on the two "bad" phones that he doesn't have on his Turbo, then you will have found the potential source of your problem.

If the above doesn't resolve the problem... consider grabbing the bale and not the straw:

It sounds silly, or "willy nilly" as sprmankalel implied, but let's do a what if, and maybe clean out the Droid Mini as if it just came off the shelf and reactivate it from the get-go.  I would suggest you use Verizon Cloud to upload everything from the Mini, except free Apps that you can download free again later, then dump the mini completely, and bring it back/reactivate it online with only the basic settings in factory default, as if you just purchased it and are activating it for the first time on your account, and see if it resolves the incoming call problem.  If so, it would prove that some App or Setting that was in the phone has been transferred from phone to phone during the swaps you've made.  If the "clean" phone with default settings works, you can then go to your Verizon Cloud and download selectively each photo, video, contacts, docs, etc. and progressively test the phone as you bring each element or group of elements back aboard the phone one step at a time.  Any apps or data you don't really need you should not bring back to the phone.  By being selective and testing in between downloads you can identify the first download that causes the problem and uninstall it.  Make sure the two phones are still NOT synched or the data from the second phone may re-infect the first.

Other than this, you could swap to a new phone and NOT transfer anything at all, settings or otherwise, from the old phone until you are sure the new phone is symptom-free.  You would still be doing the same thing if you clean your Mini and start it again from scratch.  Just remember that having them wirelessly synched could be just re-infecting each other repeatedly as you attempt to fix the problem.  It has to be something common to both bad phones.  As an example, a blocked caller list or broken contact list from one may be re-synching to the other when the two phones "get together".

Enthusiast - Level 1

This was a huge problem for me (iPhone 5) before I got a separate work phone. I'm not in the boonies either, I'm right in Palo Alto. They will push the $299.99 Samsung Network Extender on you and even when they offered it to me at half off, I still said no.

They'll do all sorts of "tech support" like "turn your phone off and back on...." among other things and then tell you it is case specific and probably restricted to where you live/work.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yep. I've been amazed at how dumb I am every time I've had a problem as if I'm so dumb as to never turn the phone off and back on or "leave your phone off while you're sleeping, so it can 'reset; itself".  Whaaat?  Did they just tell me my "phone needs a rest"?

Anyway, I have a pacemaker/ICD implant and placing my cell phone in my left shirt pocket is not good for the phone or worse, for the ICD operation.  But the cell phone companies don't tell you about that either.  And sales people will always say, "Oh, there's no problem with OUR phones."  Nooooo.  But when you get a jolt from your ICD when a text comes in, you know your cardiologist is correct!  Minimum of 6 inches separation.

Enthusiast - Level 2

David, they have done and said exactly all of that! Willie, I have started from scratch with the mini, but they always have me use my gmail to restore everything, so I wonder if you are correct.... I have removed all apps I could remove without success, but I never thought that maybe it is in some other process that would be restored by gmail. I will certainly give it a go. I have done everything else that I and Varizon can think of, but you are right, it does follow any phone I have as well as my sons. It is my fiancé's phone that I have now and he has never had an issue on any phone. But he doesn't really have any apps either except Slacker. That is it and he has the paid version of it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Nemo, try to compare and match your settings to your fiance's current phone as well as the Apps.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I misunderstood and had your son and your 3rd phone mixed up.  Sorry, but you were quick to decipher what I mean.

Good luck.  I hope you can get it cleared up.  Let us know what does ultimately solve your problem.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I would probably just get a new phone or a landline if it's an issue over service in your house. I am not sure deleting apps will make much of a difference with missed calls or dropped calls.

Enthusiast - Level 2

it unfortunately happens no matter where I am, they sent me a free network extender, but that did nothing, but somehow managed to screw up the wifi in my house so I disconnected it. I will try Willie and see what happens. I am thinking about starting a whole new gmail account with no settings in it and have them completely disconnect and reconnect my phone with nothing but factory settings and then slowly add 1 app/setting at a time until I have the same experience again, if it works from the beginning. I hope you understand what I was trying to write there! It sounded good in my head lol

Enthusiast - Level 1

The boards are filled with people who have problems with the Droid Turbo not rining and not reporting a missed call. Verizon local store tells me Motorola is working a fix. Power off/on solves problem for an hour or a few days but it comes back.  It is not a coverage area thing. Your zip code does not matter. Of course they cannot reproduce the error consistently . There is a very real problem that should be acknowledge and solved.

A phone that does not ring is like a boat that does not float. The most basic function is missing.


I have a Windows phone, it too does not ring when someone tries to call. It never will show as a missed call, but I only know it happened if they leave a vm. It seems to be happening more and more, very frustrating!