Need help with question about upgrading phone

Okay, so, here's what's going on:

  • I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus on Verizon.
  • It's dying/freezing/battery life is terrible. Looking to upgrade.
  • I don't have an upgrade available for my line, but my wife does.
  • She's giving me permission to use hers, which a Verizon rep told me is fine.
  • I want to use her upgrade to get a Samsung Galaxy Note II.
  • The best price (subsidized) right now is on Dell's site ($169.99), which I could price-match at Best Buy (employee confirmed this). However, it's still a little high for me.
  • I could get a better price by adding a line with this device - shave off $40 ($129.99).

So here's my question: is there any way to add a line, get some immediate savings on the purchase, then immediately cancel the line (maybe only taking a little bit of a hit, getting most of the cost reimbursed for not using it)? In other words, how can I get this phone as cheap as possible?

Thanks for your suggestions!

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2 Replies
Master - Level 1

If you add a line as you suggest, that new line will come with a 2 year (24 month) contract for service that will have a $350 Early Termination Fee (ETF) if you cancel the line immediately like you indicated.  There goes the thought of getting the Note II for the cheaper than the upgrade price.

I recommend going with the price match upgrade @ $169.99 at Best Buy.  I can confirm they do the price match.  I bought my last phone from Best Buy and they matched the Radio Shack price I brought them and  I had a good experience.

Good luck.


Thanks very much, that's exactly what I needed to know!

I'll check Radio Shack's pricing on the phone too.