Network Extender Not Listed as Device
Enthusiast - Level 2

My Verizon LTE Network Extender is up and running.

Calling #48 confirms it is working and I can access the device from a computer on the local network to change the time zone.

However, the Network Extender does not show up under Devices when I log into the My Verizon account and so I am unable to follow the directions for changing the default Open network setting.

What is needed to have the Network Extender registered in the My Verizon account?

9 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Thank you for reaching out. Here is how you are able to access your Admin Page for your Network Extender:


Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi, Melissa. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Unfortunately, administrative access to the Network Extender on the local network does not include the option of changing the access settings of the device.

Verizon directions for changing the open/hybrid/closed setting of the Network Extender indicate it is done by accessing the Network Extender under the listing of My Devices in My Verizon account:

The problem is I cannot follow these directions because the Network Extender is not showing up under My Devices in My Verizon account.

What is needed to have the Network Extender registered in the My Verizon account?

Enthusiast - Level 2

Still no solution for setting access of Network Extender as described in this support document:

Network Extender does not appear as device in my account. Repeated contact with customer service has been unhelpful.

Customer Service Rep

We definitely want to make sure that you're able to manage your device and adjust your Network Extender settings as needed. We'll be sending a Private Note to better assist.



Enthusiast - Level 2

After multiple private messages, still no resolution. Unable to set up 4G LTE Network Extender (model sFemto3 received from Verizon) in Closed access mode with just my Verizon number in the access list.

Enthusiast - Level 2


You access the extender software by going to the mac address through your browser. For example, when you press the button of the extender, look for the mac address. Go to a browser and type it in (ie -

A page will appear for you to enter a password. The default password for first time access is  LTEFemto(last 4 digits of the mac address). (ie C4D5)

Once you log in, you will be directed to create your own password.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Unfortunately, administrative access to the Network Extender on the local network does not include the option of changing the access settings of the device. (See my reply to an earlier posting with the same suggestion.)

Verizon directions for changing the open/hybrid/closed setting of the Network Extender indicate it is done by accessing the Network Extender under the listing of My Devices in My Verizon account:

The problem is the Network Extender was not showing up in the Devices in my account,

Customer Service Rep

We definitely want to make sure you have access to the service provided by your network extender. We will be glad to help.  This will help you view your MAC address. Please let us know if it helps. ~Geo

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi, Geo. You are one of many Verizon customer service reps who have given me this support document link both in this discussion thread and in private messages.

I appreciate your attempt to help but it does not address the issue I have noted, as explained before in previous replies. I guess you don't read the entire thread before responding!

Administrative access to the Network Extender on the local network does not include the option of changing the access settings of the device as explained in this support document:

The problem is the Network Extender is not showing up in the Devices list in the Verizon app. Because the Network Extender does not have an IMEI number, the customer cannot add it. It must be done on the Verizon end.  Despite multiple tickets submitted on this issue, all have been closed without fixing it.