Network extender

Enthusiast - Level 2

Briefly, I cannot change my extender to hybrid /closed . It is stuck as open.

Installed network extender, brand new from Verizon. It registered and I tested it with #48. And I can see the activity symbols on my phones. See screenshot
I would like to change to closed access and add /register only my phones.  
I have tried with 4 separate Tech chats, spanning 6 hours.

What I have learned from Reddit screenshots from the internet is this setting is on the Verizon website under the device area.

My devices info populates and my extender is set to "Open Access". 

My device page however has a activate link/instructions right near where the "About this Device" heading is.  Btw I can only change the name of the extender.

Key symptom I think.!
The edit links next to Access type and Access List are not present on my Device page . See picture.  I see  on the internet others have this option.  

Picture at the bottom is a reddit users screenshot.  Picture on top is my screenshot.

This is my last hope here. I gave up with Chat help. After a hour of explaining most just quote the FAQ which has the link back to my product page that isn't working.
Any help is appreciated. I am tech savvy.  I believe this is some sort of issue with the server/setting
Please help.






10 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We do want to make sure you're getting the help you need, and we'd be happy to help! Please, respond to our Private Note, so we can open your account and dig into this further together!



Enthusiast - Level 2

I opened up my verizon community msg area.  Excited to finally have someone pay attention.

There are no "private" messages address my issue as of writing this reply.  Alas another AI-generated response. But I will take help from whoever it is.

The problem is one thing. But to have an automated system appear that you are addressing something you not.

Well verizon seems to have changed in the 20 years I have had this carrier.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Someone fixed it. If there was something specific I believe it was on Verizon's end as i tweeted verizon.   
Since i spent so much time I'm sort of a expert on network extenders now. So in the spirit of giving back if you post a message ill try to answer from my perspective.

Champion - Level 3

@tommyz10521 wrote:

Someone fixed it. If there was something specific I believe it was on Verizon's end as i tweeted verizon.   
Since i spent so much time I'm sort of a expert on network extenders now. So in the spirit of giving back if you post a message ill try to answer from my perspective.

'Someone fixed it'......fixed what?   Closed Mode on the LTE Network Extender?

The last time I tried, that CONFIRM button on the change access mode pop-up was flaky.  Only a small part of the button was active for me, left side of the button.  I can get my extender into Closed Mode but cannot add numbers to the access list beside my own number on my account.

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Customer Service Rep

We are glad to help anyway we can. If you need assistance, send us a Private message. We are here for you 24 hours a day. We can't wait to hear from you.


Contributor - Level 2

See my 2 lengthy posts over the last several months on Closed Mode not working, Hybrid Mode does.

Did you get it working in Closed Mode with your phone on a Closed Mode Access List?

Did they fix the website to select the buttons on My Verizon, under devices? I have to use my laptop’s browser to get to the devices and see the buttons, and create the access list for Hybrid Mode, since Closed Mode has not been recognizing my phones in my access list.



Customer Service Rep

Thank you for reaching out to Verizon.  We are here to address all of your questions and concerns.  Please send us a PM so we can assist.



How were you able to resolve this?

Enthusiast - Level 2

it started functioning the 2 days later. it was something on verizons end.  They dont know there own equipment.

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for letting us know, tommyz10521! We will be sending another message. Please, be on the lookout for it! We will get you the help you need!

