No, seriously: Report Poor Coverage
Enthusiast - Level 3

There are thousands of posts on this Verizon Community site wanting to report poor mobile network coverage (phone, data, LTE, 5G, etc.) There are places near our house where I know the network simply doesn't work: the bars are reduced, text messages don't send, calls don't go thru, no cellular data.  

Where are poor coverage areas best reported? Does Verizon have a process by which customers can tell them where the network is failing and they can respond, test, fix, improve? If not, why not? 



1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon needs to provide tools other than calling 611 to report poor coverage. AT&T has an app called “Mark the Spot” that makes this easy. It will collect data and your GPS location and submit it with a single tap of a button. I’m surprised Vz doesn’t already have something similar. 

View solution in original post

55 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Mrleaf We certainly want to do everything we can to make sure you have great service. Can you tell us if this is happening at a specific location (indoors/outdoors)? May we have the city, and state? Is anyone else on your account having the same issues? -Dolores

Enthusiast - Level 3

@vzw_customer_support Dolores, The point of this thread is not to solve specific coverage concerns. The point of this thread is to make a FEATURE REQUEST: as VZW customers/consumers, want a specific method where we can report poor coverage and have the VZW network team respond. There should be a web form with a map. There should a button in the My Verzion app. There should be a response tree in support chat. 

We know where the coverage problems are in places where we are every day. We've already determined that it isn't specific to our devices, because everyone else who has VZW has bad coverage in the same exact geographic spots. But none of us have a way to tell VZW where those specific places are.

We don't want to post to this forum to tell you about our devices or disclose our locations or get troubleshooting steps. We are asking want a secure, consistent way to communicate all the relevant details to VZW Support and VZW's Network team so the network can be improved. We want confirmation that VZW is working on the network and that we can help by telling VZW where the network needs the most improvement. We don't have a way to do that; this is not it.



Customer Service Rep

Hello, vzw23. We can certainly understand the importance of communicating service issues our customers are experiencing with the network to our network engineers for a in depth review. We can complete network tickets for our customers and they will receive resolution messages from our network team. Please let us know if this information was helpful. *Cassie

Enthusiast - Level 3

@vzw_customer_support *Cassie, 

Please explain to me in this forum HOW I might report to Verizon Support a geographic location where there is consistently poor network coverage. 

If you want me to make a phone call, please tell me the phone tree prompts / steps to do that.

If you want me to do it via support chat, please tell me what to type into the chat box.

If you want me to use the My Verizon app, please post how to use it to report a coverage problem.

No one knows how to report poor coverage. 


Enthusiast - Level 1

I have recently noticed a significant cell service degradation in area code 08502 in NJ. My family has 5 verizon phones and all of us have noticed that service is spotty with calls breaking up. when heading out the data service is somethings not there when you go to use Google maps. In my house I only get service if wifi calling is enabled. As the premium service this needs to be fixed. It is not the phones as they are regularly upgraded.

I would like to know how to report this issue to Verizon and get support. I tried the automated system but it just sends you round and round with wrong questions/assumptions.

Customer Service Rep

Hi Phil400, 


I know how important it is to have a great service connection, and I'd like to help. When did you first notice that you were beginning to experience issues in this area? Do you find that service improves if you are in another location? 



Enthusiast - Level 1

I have very poor coverage at my home. Most calls drop if I am not in a couple of specific areas. Inside or outside.  Should I switch carriers to get better coverage or is there something Verizon can do? 

Customer Service Rep

There are a number of factors that affect cell service indoors and near structures, Cargal. This is what makes indoor service a challenge. We would be glad to work with you to see what can be done, though. How long has this been happening? Does this affect anyone who has Verizon, or is it only happening with your device?


Enthusiast - Level 2

Not to step on your toes of actually getting a response @Cargal but i've had the same issues ever since I had Verizon which has to be well over 10 years. I'd like @vzw_customer_support to take this seriously... I'm not in a rural area by any stretch of the imagination yet my signal strength here (outside of my house, in a condo complx) is between -126 and -116 pretty much all the time. This wasn't too bad when i had my old 4G device and my home wi-fi internet was decent but capped at 30Mbps. I upgraded to Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra and 5G Everything Plan and now paying twice as much for worse service. Was told by sales that the new phone and plan would resolve all of those issues and they apparently opened a ticket a couple of months ago and nothing has changed. I can literally drive 1-2 miles and get speeds of 302Mbps d/l but here at my home i get 6.7Mbps d/l speed.

Customer Service Rep

Hi, there! We always want you to have the best connection possible. What is your ZIP Code? With this, we can look into your area.


Enthusiast - Level 2

I appreciate the fast response, zip code is 92677. on a side note i almost cancelled my VZW service about 6 yrs ago due to the same service issues ( i couldn't even use wifi calling because there was such a delay in the service response that callers thought no one was on the other end so they hung up before i was connected) if it wasn't for one manager sending me the network extender i would have had no other choice. I'd also note that support kept pointing to my router as the source of the delay so i found it odd that my work ATT device had no delay using wifi calling.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Thank god someone is finally challenging vzw_Customer_Support on this.... Has ANYONE ever had their poor coverage fixed???? Like the OP stated, there are hundreds of these posts here and it is ridiculous that there is NO formal way to report poor coverage areas.

Thanks for finally posting this and yes it does appear by all the responses from vzw_Customer_support that it is an AI and/or bot most of the time responding.

Maybe someday we will have a formal way to report this dilemma! 

Enthusiast - Level 3

LOL i had dropped calls at my own home in the middle of a major city next to a grocery store for three months. They sent a range extender to the wrong service address, and were never able to resolve the problem. Everybody with verizon had dropped calls for THREE MONTHS.

Eventually they fixed something on their end and I have good service now, but for real. I couldn't even call and tell them about it because the call would drop.

Drive 10 blocks north? 5 bars of service and crystal clear service.

You would have thought that standing right outside of a grocery store in the wide open in the middle of a city you would have good service. Apparently not.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon needs to provide tools other than calling 611 to report poor coverage. AT&T has an app called “Mark the Spot” that makes this easy. It will collect data and your GPS location and submit it with a single tap of a button. I’m surprised Vz doesn’t already have something similar.