Notice to Verizon Senior Executives:
Enthusiast - Level 2

From what I have read here, it is an apparent deja vu.  I too recently had an issue of deceit.  I have in my possession a transcript of the chat between the Verizon Representative and myself for a iPhone purchase.  The terms of agreement was a discount of $350 off the purchase price.  Also if I enrolled in autopay I would receive a $10 discount off my monthly bill.  It was specifically stated that both promotions could be applied with my current plan.  I executed the service agreement based on that information.  After the first billing cycle I was paying full price for the phone and the $10 autopay discount had not been applied.  I was also told that it would take two billing cycles before I would see the credits.  After the fourth billing cycle, still no credits.  Again I called Verizon Customer Support.  Now the answer for not receiving the credits is that my plan doesn't qualify for those promotions.  After admitting the Verizon representative made a mistake, they offered only a $200 discount off the phone price but the $10 autopay discount could not be applied.  I asked how could the terms of an agreement be changed after the fact.  The response was a mistake was made and Verizon could not honor the agreement.  I wanted to return the phone and was told it was beyond the fourteen day return period.  I tried to escalate beyond the Team Leader but was told the answer would be the same.  So beware even when it is in writing, Verizon agreements are apparently not binding when it pertains to them, only to the consumer.  A response from a executive level would be appreciated.  This is not the corporate image that should be projected.

4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

SDV2, this isn't how we want anyone to we absolutely want to take a closer look at the promotion and help any way we can! Can you tell us more about the $350 promotion? For example, did it require a trade in, an upgrade, a new line, etc.? ScottD_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

In response to ScottD_VZW request:  The promotion was $350 off the price of the iPhone 11 Pro back in late July.  No trade in or plan change required.  As far as the $10 autopay discount, I inquired about it and the Customer Rep stated that it was available with my plan.  Based on this information, which is documented, I accepted the offer.

Customer Service Rep

We certainly want to get to the bottom of this. Please send back a Private Note and we can offer more personalzied support. 



Specialist - Level 3

Autopay discounts were never advertised with plans that didn't qualify. Unless your plan was the 2017 unlimited family plan, the plans that branched off from it or the current 5GB / 10GB plans, you don't get $10 off.

Unless you get an email verification, a rep could say the sky is purple, but that wouldn't make it something honorable. This is with any business. Why should you get a special price you don't qualify for because a rep screwe d up? At best you're entitled to a promo you do qualify for and maybe a little something extra for compensation such as no upgrade fee, a free case etc.