Phoenix Trans Private Surcharge for a non-Phoenix resident
Enthusiast - Level 2

I am being charged a surcharge for the City of Phoenix.  I am not a Phoenix resident, and I have been told by Customer Service that I cannot dispute this charge.  When I pushed for an answer why, I was told that this surcharge is required by the City of Phoenix and that Verizon has been ordered to collect this surcharge from me by the City of Phoenix.  

 I do not get to vote in City of Phoenix elections.  I do not receive city of Phoenix services like roads, sewer or water, and If I call 911 I am told to call another number because my home is not located in Phoenix.  This Verizon charge  is the only "tax" that I "pay" to Phoenix.  

Why does Verizon charge me a surcharge for the City of Phoenix when I am not a resident of the City of Phoenix? Is this even legal? 



18 Replies

Why you are being assessed a surcharge for Phoenix I can't say, but many of your statements are just plain silly.

When you say you do not receive services like "roads, sewer or water", are you saying ONLY Phoenix residents are allowed to drive on the roads within the city limits? ANYONE who drives on roads within Phoenix are receiving "road" services. The Phoenix police(another service provided by the city) are not there ONLY to "serve and protect" the residents of Phoenix, but ANYONE who happens to be within the city limits whether or not they are actually "residents". A non-Phoenix resident who calls 911 and happens to be within the city limits at the time of the call would CERTAINLY be able to benefit from those services. There is a multitude of "services" Phoenix provides to people who are not "residents". Saying you are not a "resident" of Phoenix is by no means the only factor determining whether or not you are the beneficiary of services provided by the city of Phoenix.

Regardless, this does not mean you should be paying a surcharge to the city of Phoenix. Do you live around Phoenix? Do you work within the city? Many cities charge a commuter tax when working within the city even if you don't live within the city. Did you used to live within the city limits? What billing address do you have on file with Verizon? Is that billing address located within the city limits? Are you a member on someone else's account or do you have your own account? If you are a member, does the account owner have a billing address within the city limits of Phoenix. There are many reasons why you are being assessed a Phoenix city surcharge but the information you have provided would not help anyone determine whether or not the surcharge was being assessed correctly.

For example, my daughter is being assessed New York state taxes on her line even though she lives within the city limits of Washington, D.C. for the simple reason that the account owner of her line lives in the state of NY. Does this mean she shouldn't be charged taxes for NY state. NO, not as long as she has a line on my account. When she open up her own account in her own name and lists her own address on the account would be when she is charged for taxes in that location. Oh, and by the way, she is NOT a NY State resident and she does not get to vote in NY State elections since she is registered to vote in Washington, D.C.


Taxes for city are use tax, not residence tax.  If you connect to a tower within the city, the tax is going to kick in.  So anyone who works or travels into Phoenix regularly is going to find that tax on the bill.  

Same tor Chicago area users.


Enthusiast - Level 2

This is not what I was informed by Verizon. I was told that it was based on my zip code,  and my zip code alone. That they were mandated by the City of Phoenix that I get charged this fee because I was a resident of Phoenix.   

If what you were saying were true, I would have charges from many other municipalities.  Sounds more like you are making excuses for a fee that is being incorrecly charged, rather than providing answers based on facts. 


Community Leader
Community Leader

Does your zip code cover parts of Phoenix and other areas outside of Phoenix? 


Also there are two addresses associated with each line on the account. The billing addresses for the entire account and a service address for each line. The service address can be different from each line on the account. For example, a line could have a California address and is associated with the account owner so the bill is sent to them and another line on the account has a service address in New York state. The taxes and fees are different for each line with the one line having California taxes and the other having New York taxes. 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 2

My zipcode includes Phoenix, unincorperated areas, and indian reservation. I live in the county island.  The only qualifier that Verizon used for the surcharge is that Phoenix says that I must be charged because of my zip code.  Phoenix does not have jurisdiction over my home, nor would they have any jurisdiction over the indian community.    

My account is homogenous. All phones (2) have the same address for billing and service.  



Not Florida, South Carolina.  And it’s not just Verizon that does this.  At&t refers to it as ‘place of primary use’   So if your using cellular on a Phoenix tower, and WiFi at home, of course it’s going to trigger city tax.



Enthusiast - Level 2

My place of primary use is in Maricopa County.  I have a Maricopa County surcharge on my bill.  



@Sparks957 wrote:

This is not what I was informed by Verizon. I was told that it was based on my zip code,  and my zip code alone. That they were mandated by the City of Phoenix that I get charged this fee because I was a resident of Phoenix.   

If what you were saying were true, I would have charges from many other municipalities.  Sounds more like you are making excuses for a fee that is being incorrecly charged, rather than providing answers based on facts. 


Not true.   It’s based on your billing AND place of use.  

 I happen to know several snowbirds who bill to their Connecticut address, and seven months of the  year they are also billed for Florida usage taxes in addition to their Connecticut tax.   They thought it would be better not to move their billing to the Florida address because at least they only pay the extra tax part of the year. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I was infomed by Verizon that it was based solely on my zip code. If Phoenix feels that they are owed, they should come to an agreement with Maricopa County as I have a County surcharge and a State surcharge.  I do do not get to vote in Phoenix elections as do not live in Phoenix,  yet I am being indirectly taxed by Verizon for Phoenix as directed by Phoenix. This amounts to taxation without representation.  


Listen we can argue this all day long. The fact is usage taxes are going to be added to your bill and we follow customers cannot do anything about it. If you have a problem with it file an FCC complaint. You will get a contact who knows what’s what Att Verizon to call you and explain to you why you’re being charged Phoenix city usage taxes.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks for the advice. Do you know the process for filing an FCC complaint?  


@Sparks957 wrote:

Thanks for the advice. Do you know the process for filing an FCC complaint?  

Use Google.  Very simple free online form.  I’ve done it once, but a year back


Not sure exactly where you are on the map, but I can totally see a tower serving Phoenix and Maricopa, and anyone connecting being charged as Phoenix city.  Especially if there is a tower up on that ridge. 



Enthusiast - Level 2

That tower is not located in Phoenix.   Verizon was unable to tell me what tower I was connecting to.  They listed the closest tower to my home as reason, but there is a 800' mountain between me and that tower.  I'm pretty sure I am not connecting to that one. The most likely answer is that I am connecting to a tower on the Indian reservation, but Verizon would not confirm. The said I was being billed for Phoenix solely on my zip code.      


I live in Connecticut and regularly connect to a tower many miles away in Massachusetts.  Since I can’t sit and test what tower you’re connected to all day, I can’t help you with that.



I've been working this same problem regarding Tempe AZ surcharges with Verizon Billing for a couple of months now.   My phone contract is based in Las Vegas, NV and this phone has not been in AZ for over 15 months, yet I'm still getting surcharged as if the phone is in Tempe AZ.  Nobody at Verizon seems to know how to stop this surcharge.   


Hi everyone,


Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.


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Customer Service Rep

BeanF15Plt, we are so sorry that we have not been able to help with that change. We are here to help.We have sent you a Private Message, please respond to us there.

