Previous chat transcript
Enthusiast - Level 1

Is there a way to pull up a previous chat session?


4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Great question! To confirm, we can definitely assist you with pulling up your previous chat conversation. However, if we may ask. Is there a particular reason why you want to see if we can access this information?DavidR_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

I want to see a chat transcript because I’ve had three separate sessions where I was transferred 2-3 times. I have a hard time remembering things and I want to see where I went wrong when I asked for help for a particular problem. I also want to see what was resolved in the second cluster of chats. 


Enthusiast - Level 2

Did you ever get this resolved.  I looks like someone was trying to help you then simply dropped the conversation.  I too would like to get copies of old chat transcripts.  They removed the "e-mail a copy of this chat" option and there appears to be no way to get transcripts even if you have the conversation ID.

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