Rebate issues
Enthusiast - Level 2

Reviewed multiple posts about the rebates issues Verizon has no honored. 

September 26th, tried to do a port in from TMobile with an offer of 250.00 per line for a total of 4 lines. Issues with doing it online so I went to the Manalapan Wireless store in NJ. Spoke with a CSR there and he advised he could do it for me. Got the lines ported, submitted the rebate applications that same day from within the store. Received confirmation that the rebates were received and would take 4 weeks to process. Waited the entire time patiently. Checked on rebates via the rebate site and they were DENIED. Denied based on the fact "the wrong promo code was used" which is plain absurd. I contacted the CSR that had guided me through the rebate process and he advised that he would correct it instantly (I have his text messages saved). Apparently the account manager was on vacation which he sent me an email to that fact. I waited for days and reached out again. Apparently the account manager was not answering him. I then called the store itself and bypassed the CSR to get to the manager. I got the DM on the phone and explained the situation to him. He advised me that he was sorry this happened and he would call and straighten it out and follow up with me. He did not. He apparently switched the code to a 150 per line promotion and promised me that he would honor the rebate of 250.00 per line. I had not heard anything and was not about to wait 4 more weeks to find out nothing was done. I had a documented chat where the codes the manager supplied me with were incorrect to track. The CSR on the phone then supplied me with the codes that were supplied to them. (Well at least now I can track the 150.00 X 4 gift cards which are still not issued 2 months after the initial visit to the store) Now I emailed the store manager asking for an explanation about how he planned to cover the 400.00 difference between what I was promised and what was told to me by rebate team was the supplied codes and offers. He has not called me back as promised. All of these conversations were documented (even the screenshots of the chat) I have wasted hours of my time for something that I followed instructions religiously and documented. I am at the point of bringing Verizon to small claims court and letting the court of law decide what is legally owed to me. 

13 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're so glad that you decided to join the Verizon family and we want to help make things right with regard to your rebate submission. Your time is valuable and we want to ensure that this is resolved ASAP. I have sent a Private Note in order to further assist you. We look forward to hearing from you there.



Enthusiast - Level 2

I replied to the private note just now. Why not just leave a public response to my issue? 

Customer Service Rep

I will reply to your Private Note, anthonylombardi2007. In order to review your account details, we will need to continue in private for your account security. I hope this answers your question.



Enthusiast - Level 2

Tried to continue in private but cannot reply to your message. 

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for trying, anthonylombardi2007. What happens when you try to reply to the Private Message? Are you receiving any error messages? Have you tried using an alternate web browser to respond back?



Enthusiast - Level 2

They did the same thing to me. And then they never responded to my private message

Customer Service Rep

That is never the experience we want for our customers. Let's get this figured out. A private Message has been sent. AlbertoR_VZW

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for keeping us posted. Since we will review promo information on your specific account, we want to safeguard your info by going into a private note setting.


I have the exact same problem.  4 lines moved from t-mobile and was promised $250 per line to come over to Verizon.  I had to pay off an existing phone to do this and of course the plan is more expensive @ Verizon.  Phone numbers seem to not work, and everytime I'm on the phone with them it takes an hour out of my day.  I think they don't want to honor the rebates.  Thinking of switching back to Tmobile or going to ATT.

Customer Service Rep

That is definitely never the way we want you to feel about us, dhegglin. We know how important it is for you to be able to get the rebates you were promised. Please meet us in a Private Message to investigate this further for you.



Enthusiast - Level 2

I feel your pain. Now I spoke to someone named Pedro last night for an hour. He couldnt even look me up by the main number on my account. It is an absolute scam. Now I just read through alot of posts here and tey are saying that this is just a card you can use with VERION ALONE? Again, not what was portrayed to me from the get go. I have so many text messages, emails, phone calls about this its utterly ridiculous. Judging by the amount of rebate issues there are posted in this forum, it is safe to assume there is something majorly flawed with these deceptive practices. I have all of my documentation including written evidence that these were supposed to be cards that I could use ANYWHERE. Not just Verizon. Either way I still dont have the cards after 12 weeks! Speaking to Pedro last night he advised me "he could not PROMISE anything" but it would probably take 8 to 10 weeks from when my NEW code was submitted. To date I have only received a 200.00 credit to my bill which is a far cry from the 250.00 use anywhere gift cards that were promised. Funny that the reps responding to this will not actually post anything useful in public but want you to take more time out to explain to them what is happening. (As if they do not have all these notes in thier systems) 

These rebate cards were oral contracts to gain new customers. I bit, and now I have been bitten for now. It might take me YEARS but I will bring this as far as I can possibly go. This will be cross posted on multiple sites with the text message images of the promises made to me by Verizon. Heck, might contact TMobile and find out if they would like to hear my story. NEVER had this issue with TMobile. 

I advised Mr. Pedro last night that this is the very definition of consumer fraud. Not delivering on a contractual (written and oral) obligation to gain business through deception. It is literally characterized as theft by deception in the state of NJ. I will be taking this up, up , up

Enthusiast - Level 1

I too have had similar rebate issues.  I ported 2 lines over from Xfinitymobile and was supposed to get $200 rebates for each. One of our phones needed a new SIM. It  was supposed to come in the mail but since the port over shut down my wife's line immediately, she had to go to the VZ store to get a SIM when one didn't come in the mail after 48 hrs because she needed a functioning phone. Well, that messed up up the promo code under which the rebate was initially submitted.  After multiple calls and finally being transferred to the rebate center, I finally had the rebate changed over to the in-store promo code that was only $150. Not too big a deal losing $50, but after spending a total of about 2 hours with CS  at VZ, the new $150 rebate seems nowhere to be found in my rebate submissions.  I have been wasting way too much time trying to recoup what was promised to me if we switched.  

Customer Service Rep

DrChill, this is not the type of experience we want you to have with our rebate process. As a fellow consumer I would also feel the same way, $150.00 is a nice chunk of money and it definitely helps during these times when money is tight. We would like to take a closer look at this matter, please send us a Private Note at your earliest convenience to better assist.
