Remove monthly bandwidth throttling during COVAD-19 Pandemic
Enthusiast - Level 1

To Verizon,

Just got the CEO email from Verizon telling us that Verizon is there for us during this emergency.  I would have hoped that due to many of us working remotely now and many of that community limited to only Verizon for our network connection that the throttling of our "unlimited" monthly usage would be at least temporarily removed during this time period.  It doesn't seem like doing that would cost the company anything, other than to modify a piece of code somewhere.

This is a pain point every month when personally I go over my 30 GB limit, while only working 2 days a week at home.  Now, working full time at home is obviously causing a larger issue.

Please, either consider temporarily removing the throttle during this crisis, or even better remove it forever or give us more options for a larger limit.

Thank you for seriously considering this idea.

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Thanks for the suggestion Ewad1. I will lift that suggestion up to our leadership team. I hope you are safe and healthy in this scary time.



Hi JoeL,


It's 7 month's later, how'd that suggestion go?  Or do our suggestions heat the boiler system like the "Suggestion Box" in the Oblongs?

Specialist - Level 3

Buy proper internet like everyone else, Verizon isn't a charity.