Report Poor Coverage
Enthusiast - Level 2

We live and work within the same city. We constantly live with 1-2 bars of service. We use the internet extensively to include our hotspots. We are never able to to truly enjoy our service due to the low 4G coverage in our area. Videos constantly buffer. Lost connections with gaming services etc. I work 24 hour shifts and the use of the hotspot is key to our service. It has been so bad that we have been considering changing providers. 

We have a tower in the city and can achieve 4-5 bars if we drive right to it, but the reach just seems to be very poor. Maybe a hardware update is due to the broadcast point in our city. 

All of my coworkers that use Verizon have the same issues.

6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello there, callentorrence. I can help you find the best service and signal for you. Let's take a look at everyting going on to figure out what can get you better service. Can I please start with your ZIP Code? Is this happening indoors or outdoors? Do you have issues with calling or text messaging in this same location?

Enthusiast - Level 2

My zip code is 23662.

I generally gain one bar of service when I go outside. In my home and work I average 1-2 bars of service inside. If I go up the street about a half mile, I can get 4-5 bars.

No issues with texting. Phone calls have had minor quality fluctuations, but that has not been a concern. The internet is the main concern. 

Customer Service Rep

callentorrence, thank you for the details you've provided. I checked the 23662 are and found no issues to report. As a consumer, I know how vital it is for you to be able to use mobile data when you need it and we want to help. When did the issue with your data begin? Do you happen to know the name of the plan you have? 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I am using the Get More Unlimited plan. 

It does not surprise me that there have been no complaints. I doubt there there are many people that use their hotspot on their phone, especially in my city given the mean population age. There are no issues with texting and calling. The city is small and mostly residential. So people would be at home with a hard line connection, so no issues. 


Customer Service Rep

callentorrence, thank you for providing this helpful information. Let's continue to review. Can you please clarify if your service concern happens primarily indoors? Also, are you only experiencing a concern with the Mobile Hotspot? Or when you try to use your internet services on your device as well? 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Regardless whether I am inside or outside, my service quality does not change. I have to drive up a street about a half mile to begin to have an increase in quality of service.

My internet service as a whole suffers both where I live and where I work. Even now, I am at work, replying to this post. The webpages were extremely slow to load compared to the speeds I would obtain when at home on my wifi. I have to watch you tube in the lowest quality setting to avoid buffering. Not at all ideal.

I am virtually unable to stream content to my phone without a lot of buffering.

So, since my overall internet service is poor, my mobile Hotspot suffers as well.