Retaining unlimited data.

I haven't seen my situation addressed in any of the discussions I have read.

My fiancé has his parents on his plan. He has a smartphone w/o unlimited. Both parents have dumb phones. All three lines are eligible for up grades. His mom wants to try a iphone 5. We all highly doubt his mother will use an iPhone. She barely uses her dumb phone.

This brings me to my question. If he upgrades his mother to the i5 and she returns to the dumb phone after a couple days ( she went back to the dumb phone from a DROID in less than a week) can I put the i5 on my smartphone unlimited data line like it "bought it used" from him? Will he be charged full price for the phone if it is only used on his plan for a few days?

Like everyone else I am disparate to hang on to unlimited as long as I can. And, I don't want to fork out full retail when there's no clear answer to whether unlimited will last.

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3 Replies
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Community Leader

The mother can upgrade her line and get the iphone 5 and accept the two year contract for that line. After a few days she can go back to the basic phone and drop the data plan from the line. The contract is still in place. You can then activate the iphone 5 on your line/account. The warranty is now void and you won't be eligible for insurance coverage on the phone since you are the "second owner" of the device. You will have to get a new 4G LTE SIM card for the phone since the original one would be associated with the mother's line.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Specialist - Level 1

FYI, due to new SIM technology that came out around last December, you can use the same card for another number after 7am EST the next morning from being removed from a number. More often than not, you can even use it right away if you did a factory reset.

Customer Service Rep

Ann154, first come, first served! When adding insurance to your mother's line, it is associated with the mobile number. As a result, as long as the iPhone is active on her line, then the device will be covered. However, if you move that device to a different account or wireless line, this will void your insurance if insurance was not previously added.

If you choose to activate that iPhone 5 on to another wireless line, you will not need a new Sim card. You can switch devices online at

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