S24 upgrade promo
Enthusiast - Level 2

I keep getting these text message promotions from verizon to upgrade to the S24 with my trade in. Got another one today so, despite my better judgement, I decided to act on it. Upgrade to the S24 with trade in and they will waive the upgrade fee. "Act now and we'll waive your $35 device upgrade fee." Sounds good. I get all the way through the process online and at the end is the "Due Today." Taxes, understandable. But you'll never guess what else. Yes, the $35 upgrade fee. Why can't verizon just not be shady.? Seriously. I have been with them for 18 years,  and other than the network works, as it should, I don't have a positive thing to say about them. Every time you have to deal them, it's always something. Just do what you are offering. Nothing more. 

7 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read about the experience with trying to get a device without the activation fee. We're here to help. Was the charge showing as something you had to pay at that moment or would it have been added to the bill? ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm not trying to get an upgrade without paying the upgrade fee. I'm following the message I was sent if I upgrade. Again the "Due today including the taxes which I execpt. Then the $35 upgrade fee. I just went through the whole process and it's still the same. Why send these messages.? I don't get it. 

Here is the text message.

VZMSG: Choose your offer ...! Elevate your mobile experience today by upgrading to the latest Samsung Galaxy S24 with AI (128 GB) m.vzw.com/gs24, for $5/mo. for 36 mos; 0% APR. Retail $799.99. Or snag the fully loaded Galaxy Ultra with AI (256 GB) m.vzw.com/gs24ultra (data charges may apply), for $10/mo. for 36 mos; 0% APR. Retail $1,299.99. Plus, act now and we'll waive your $35 device upgrade fee. Just trade in an eligible device and upgrade on an Unlimited plan to seize these incredible deals now! Add'l terms apply. Reply 'X' to stop msgs.
Customer Service Rep

Thank you for reaching back out Md729. We're happy to get to the bottom of this with you. Are you upgrading to one of the devices listed? Have you included your trade-in in the same cart? 


Enthusiast - Level 2

This is not rocket science. I click on the link in the text message. It takes me to my account where the S24 is already selected. I choose color and storage. I select my device to trade in. It's eligible for the trade in.  I select the 5/mth with trade in. I select  my device to trade in.  Go through more steps. It asks me how I would like to send in my trade in.  Go through some more options that I decline (purchase of other devices), get to the cart. And there it is, $35 upgrade fee. (See my previous post that says the upgrade will be waived.). Go all through the disclosures, thinking maybe it will be waived then. Nope. Due Today - taxes and upgrade fee. I really don't know what else to say. There's really nothing for me to get to the bottom of with me. The offer is right there in the text message that I included last post. If nobody at Verizon can figure out the problem and just fix it, then I'll just keep using my current phone. It works just fine. 

Customer Service Rep

Oh, no! We are truly sorry to see you in this promotional dilemma. We know the importance of managing your deals. Verizon is here to help.


For more information on our promotional offers, check out our deals page: https://www.verizon.com/deals/.


We sent you a Private Message. Please review at your earliest convenience.



Same thing happened to me. Bill is all messed up and verizon has been no help to remediate and give me the proper promo. Worst experience I have had upgrading a line.

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read that you have not gotten the offer for your upgrade. What did the offer entail? ~Peter